The contest for Fort Worth mayor just got more interesting as North Texas experimental filmmaker Nicholas Zebrun, who is 27, filed this week to run as a candidate. Some of Zebrun’s expressed priorities are fairly boilerplate – improve education and urban infrastructure, curb wasteful spending, etc. But he has also said that funding theaters and museums would be among his top goals as mayor. That and the fact he is a filmmaker suggest he might be “the arts candidate” at a time when discussion of slashing public arts funding is high.


  1. Wow, does he even understand what being mayor of Fort Worth is about? The mayor has no control over education…. And on that topic, not quite sure what theaters and museums he can fund with City dollars? Perhaps he’s a little too young and naive still.

  2. Wow, MJulesM, I can’t tell whether you need to take a Ritalin and listen to his campaign video again, or whether you’re just slyly setting up straw horsemen, but you should at least be responsible enough in a public criticism to get your facts straight. I have not seen anywhere that he speaks about “controlling” education (he uses a word like “inspire,” which seems carefully chosen). Who can control the teachers union anyway? And I have not seen him talk about spending city dollars on theaters (“working with entrepreneurs” is what he said, I believe). As for age, yes, well, Teddy Roosevelt was elected to the NY State Assembly one year out of college. And older age and political experience do not seem to have prevented Fort Worth from getting into the trouble it’s in now. I suggest we wait and see what more he has to say.