Friday, April 19, 2024

Old Case, New Developments

Targeting Targeted Individuals

Shut Out

Class Dismissed

Valuing Customers



Many Turkey Returns

To the editor: The Fort Worth Weekly gave a Turkey Award to the city council for ostensibly funding - in these trying times -...

Mad Beaver Attack

A little birdie delivered to Static what is commonly known as a hot tip. Seems several majestic trees recently disappeared from the Cowtown Coliseum’s...

Salvation through Science

The title of the sermon tickled Static's little secular pea-pickin' heart: "Thank God for Evolution: How the Scientific Method is the Path to Salvation."...

Over There

To the editor: I want to say thank you for sending me and my unit your weekly issues of Fort Worth Weekly. I'm from...

Lives and Love on the Line

Fort Worth cops are getting national notice for a public service announcement in which they, as TIME put it, “argue in favor of same-sex...

Son of Garp

On Oct. 4, 1992, an 18-year-old dental assistant named Marion Ploch was driving to work near the German city of Erlangen. She lost control...

Bringing the Pearl to Life

To the editor: Thank you for publishing the story about the Dorothy Lane Courts (“The Pearl of Dorothy Lane,” July 21, 2010), based in...

Is Our Children Getting Screwed

If it weren't so dreadful for the nation's schools, Static would crow over the recently released audit of the billion-dollar Reading First initiative, part...


Frozen food and fresh vegetables are a welcome sight to Mattie Purvis, who lives on a small income. Her house is not far from...

Half Full, Half Empty

In the first year after the Fort Worth City Council banned public drinking near homeless shelters and treatment centers, police issued more than 500...