Saturday, May 18, 2024

Film Reviews

Film Reviews

Well Drilled

I did something unusual while preparing to write my review of There Will Be Blood: I read everybody else's reviews. Specifically, I read the ones...

Death Warmed Over

Remember last year's Oscars, when Jack Nicholson showed up at the ceremony with a shaven head and everybody said, "Ooh, it's Jack Nicholson with...

Lost Children

A look back on 2007's horror movies doesn't exactly reveal an embarrassment of riches. The "torture-porn" wave crashed and receded, a victim of its own...

The Top 10

Usually when I assemble the picks for my year-end list of the best movies, there's a lot of flux among the choices as I...

Sorry, Charlie

It's been 12 years since The American President, the last time Aaron Sorkin had his name on a produced movie DELETE. Yet since then, he's...

Wars of Words

While watching The Great Debaters, I wound up focusing on the supporting actors. Denzel Washington headlines the movie as well as directing it, but he...

The Reilly Factor

Over in Dallas, you can currently see Todd Haynes’ I’m Not There, a Bob Dylan biography that intentionally sets out to subvert the clichés...

Blessed Event

It's easy to say that Juno is the movie that Knocked Up should have been. It's one of those glib formulations that we critics are...

Blessed Event

It's easy to say that Juno is the movie that Knocked Up should have been. It's one of those glib formulations that we critics are...

Blessed Event

It's easy to say that Juno is the movie that Knocked Up should have been. It's one of those glib formulations that we critics are...