Friday, July 26, 2024

Flowers ’n’ Sh*t

Delightful ‘Details’

Between ‘Worlds’

Reaching Out



Feats of Clay Stinnett

I don’t know how else to put this: Making sense of Clay Stinnett’s paintings in his solo show Honky Tonk Lagoon at Fort Works Art...

Mapping Time and Space

“War Horse in Babylon” captures a horrifying scene. The large oil painting by Jaune Quick-to-See Smith centers on the gray silhouette of the animal...

Escape to Reality

The works of Western artists have long oscillated between escapism and the minutiae of daily life. While the otherworldly paintings of Salvador Dali and...

Remembering Aimee Cardoso

The first locals to learn of the recent car crash that killed artist Aimee Cardoso and husband Lucas Cardoso were Aimee’s closest friends, Ariel...

Make the Revolution Irresistible

America’s white power structure has historically resorted to violence as a first and last means of quelling Black-led movements seeking social and economic equality. Take...

Down to Earth

Archeologists, linguists, and historians have spent centuries piecing together fragmented clues left by the once-dominant indigenous culture of Mesoamerica. The beautiful chain of Mayan...

Lost in The Real Unreal

Inside Grapevine Mills is a house. Inside that house is a refrigerator. Inside that fridge is a room full of more fridges. And inside...

Summer Sights and Stages

In the Pleistocene Era (circa 2010), when flip phones were unironic, most museums and theaters essentially took summers off, reserving blockbusters for the fall...

R.I.P., Vernon Fisher

All the obituaries for Vernon Fisher are using the words “blackboard” or “chalkboard.” It is true, many of the artist’s works feature an off-black...

Camera Eye

Fort Worth boasts one of the largest repositories of fine art photographs in the United States and an equally noteworthy history of cultivating museum-worthy...