Hard Truths: Diary of a Mad Black Woman
In Hard Truths, Pansy Deacon (Marianne Jean-Baptiste) is checking out of a supermarket in suburban London when she suddenly attacks the cashier (Ashna Rabheru):...
Grand Theft Hamlet: Player Kings
I just ran my list of the best documentary films of last year, and while Grand Theft Hamlet arrives too late to merit consideration...
Brutalist: Big Blocks
Of all the Oscar contenders in play this awards season, The Brutalist is unquestionably the longest. We’re talking three hours and 35 minutes, which...
Better Man: Hey Hey, It’s the Monkey!
“What’s with the monkey?” asks Robbie Williams in the trailer of Better Man, a movie based on his life. The film is in many...
Complete Unknown: What About Bob?
Yet another music biopic that feels about as deep as a children’s picture book, A Complete Unknown is based on Elijah Wald’s history Dylan...
Nosferatu: Walpurgisnacht
Time once again for me to be a film-school nerd. May I direct your attention to the whiteboard. Like all other film-school nerds, regardless...
Top 10 Films of ’24
Maybe we should start calling this feature the Top 10 Fiction Films. I don’t include documentaries in this list anymore because I give them...
Mufasa: The Lion Sings
Male lions are full of crap. They roar, they have manes that look cool in photographs, and they fight among themselves for control of...
LOTR: Holding Out for a Héra
When I wrote up my holiday movie preview last week, I wondered if a Japanese anime treatment of The Lord of the Rings would...
Order: Idaho White
I can’t escape Nicholas Hoult this season. He’s currently starring in Juror #2 and he has a prominent role in the upcoming Nosferatu, but...