The toilet sat for years behind a thin privacy screen at the back of a special education classroom at Arlington Heights High School. It’s finally gone, but faculty members say it still symbolizes the serious problems they see in the school’s special education department.

Faculty members at Heights used words like “humiliating,” disgusting,” and “unsanitary” to describe the conditions that prevailed in the classroom for years, until a teachers’ group appealed directly to Superintendent Walter Dansby, who finally ordered the toilet removed a few months ago.

But staffers say the toilet’s removal didn’t change the attitude of Heights’ administrators toward the special education program and students. The five educators  — all of whom asked not to be named, for fear of retribution — described administrators as being incommunicative, apathetic, and, in some cases, vindictive.


The staffers said that administrators, for instance, routinely allow general education teachers, in whose classes the developmentally delayed students are sometimes placed, to flunk those students instead of modifying their lesson plans as required by federal regulation.

It wasn’t that long ago, one faculty member said, that Heights’ special education program was known as one of the better ones in the Fort Worth school district.

“I’m ashamed of being a part of what once was a very strong and respected [special education program],” the faculty member said. “Now we’re turning into one of the worst.”

One faculty member who has been at the school for several years said that the decline started when administrators began to focus on test scores and not on the well-being of students. Now special education students are routinely expected to meet the same standards as other students.

“At some point you’ve got to value the kid more than the test,” the faculty member said. “We fail kids who are barely able to add and subtract for not being able to do algebra.”

It was the toilet, however, that most infuriated the staffers. For years, the self-contained, unventilated portable toilet sat at the back of one classroom, only a few feet from students who were studying and eating. For reasons of privacy and their need for special help, some of the developmentally delayed students couldn’t be taken to a bathroom with other students.

“It was practically a bucket in the middle of the room,” said one faculty member.

“The smell would just knock you over,” said another outraged faculty member. “It smelled horrible all down the hallway, and students would have to plug their noses as they walked by.”

Staffers said repeated complaints to school administrators went unheeded.

Erinn Hall, a spokesperson for The ARC of Greater Tarrant County, a nonprofit group that advocates on behalf of people with disabilities, said that requiring students to use such a facility constitutes neglect that is tantamount to discrimination.

“The bottom line is, that wouldn’t fly in a typical classroom,” she said. “Unfortunately people with disabilities are invisible at every stage of life. It’s tragic, but it doesn’t surprise me.”

Heights Principal Jason Oliver referred questions to Clint Bond, a spokesperson for the district. Bond declined to provide information about the toilet on the grounds that doing so would violate the federal educational privacy statute. He did say that no Heights staff member was punished or reprimanded for allowing the situation to continue as long as it had.

The classroom in question is normally used by six to 10 of the most severely disabled students, including some who are wheelchair-bound. Faculty members described it as isolated from other classrooms.

Sources at Heights said the toilet was removed only after a faculty member took the problem to the United Educators Association, whose officials in turn went straight to the superintendent’s office.

“When Dansby came up there, he threw a fit when he saw it and demanded that it change immediately,” one faculty member said.

Chelsea Baldwin, a regional manager for the United Educators Association who acted as a liaison to district and Heights officials on the matter, said the teachers’ union didn’t demand the change but simply conveyed the position of the Heights staffer who’d come to them.

After Dansby ordered the portable commode removed from the classroom, Heights administrators closed off one regular bathroom at the school to all but the special education students. While that’s a major improvement, faculty members said it still doesn’t meet the needs of those students — and doesn’t smell much better.

“You need an exhaust fan, a changing station, somewhere to dispose of diapers,” a faculty member said.

At other Fort Worth schools with special education programs, appropriate facilities have been provided, one district employee said.

Heights staffers said that they are frustrated that the school has spent millions of dollars improving other areas of the school but can’t find any money for bathroom facilities for the developmentally delayed students.

Faculty members also said that Heights administrators routinely break the law by not showing up at mandatory assessment meetings for the special education students.

Schools are required to hold what is called an ARD (admission, review, dismissal) meeting at least once a year for each special education student, to develop a plan for how to best educate that student and then to check on progress. At least one administrator is required by law to be at the meeting, along with a parent and other faculty members.

“It’s protection for the students, parents, and teachers,” one faculty member said.

Several Heights staffers told Fort Worth Weekly that it is commonplace for vice principals to show up after meetings and sign their names on the reports.

“It’s going to take one big lawsuit,” a faculty member said. “They are putting the district in jeopardy, they are putting the school in jeopardy, but most importantly the kids are not getting what they are supposed to be getting by law.”

Administrators’ failure to take part in those meetings leads to other problems, the faculty members said. School officials may not realize, for instance, that some special education students are supposed to be given more time to complete tests.

As a result, the faculty members said, administrators fail to enforce the extra-time rule, general education teachers are not made to follow the students’ ARD plans, and some developmentally disabled students end up being held to unrealistic standards.

“To fail a student for having a learning disability, when you haven’t made a modification to [that student’s] work, is wrong,” a faculty member said. “We’re closing our eyes to the fact that we’re punishing students for having mental health problems.”

All of the faculty members interviewed for this story said they are scared to discuss problems with administrators, either at the school or district level.

Fear of retribution is commonplace at Heights and elsewhere in the district. Teachers point to the case of Joe Palazzolo, who blew the whistle on attendance fraud at Arlington Heights and has been in court seemingly ever since.

One faculty member suggested that the decline of the special education department at Heights is a direct result of a school administration that would rather keep problems quiet than fix them.

“Nobody is in charge, and nobody is really directing our special ed program,” the faculty member said. “We are not doing right by these kids.”


  1. This is just the latest scandal to rock AHHS since Oliver took over. He is an incompetent company man who was a problem at Kirkpatrick Middle School. Maybe if he stayed on campus once in a while or had some effective administrators. Oh no. Can’t have that – look at Palazzolo. He is related to someone – maybe Needham. Truth is he knew all about the “potty chair” and the coach, and everything else but is simply doesn’t care. Too concerned with his career. Too busy going to school to get his Superintendent’s certificate – during school hours! This is an excellent report on what is TRULY happening in FWISD and Needham’s Arlington Heights. She is after all the mistress of cover-ups. With elections around the corner, every incumbent except Martinez (first term) should be thrown out on their backsides. Sexual indiscretion defines two of them. The other two both had a role with Needham and Moss in covering those scandals up. Maybe now that Palazzolo’s case is going to trial this whole house of cards will come crashing down and kids will become important again. More than some retiree’s political asperations. Time for the women of FWISD to speak up and go public about the improper conduct of these Board members to include their actions on ISD Property. Brace yourself for a healthy dose of truth Ms. Needham. Something you fear and are always trying to suppress. Time to end the Palazzolo witch hunt. Bring him back!

  2. Great story Eric! The late great, Betty Brink would so proud. To the readers; you will not read about this story in the STAR, b/c they are into writing puff pieces about anything FWISD! Check out their recent puff story about Judy Needham…disgusting! And might I add that AHHS belongs to Needham’s district! But hey, the STAR thinks she is such a valuable icon being the new president of the board and all…I call BS on that! The truth is this: AHHS/FWISD/Needham thinks that the public is filled with idiots, who don’t know how to connect simple dots. Here is a brief history lesson for those of you, who might’ve been living under a rock; new to the area or just haven’t cared one way or another. Joe Palazzolo’s whistleblower case has unearthed (and still unearthing to date) much more than attendance fraud, embezzlement, sexual harassment, retaliation, discrimination and so forth. His case surfaced the malevolence of one Judy Needham, who appears to always come out smelling like a rose, when she claims she wasn’t aware, like she will be claiming when approached about this “toilet” situation at AHHS; it’s in HER district, under HER watch…again! She has learned to lie from the best…the district board and its leader have taught her well, or maybe it’s the other way around, considering Needham is shameless at exerting her power and money to sweep things under the carpet.

    Do not be fooled; they have ALL known about the toilet situation, much like they ALL knew about the unethical things going on when Palazzolo blew the whistle! And to go one step further; they probably also knew about this recent teacher at AHHS, who was arrested for having sex with a student. But no one has done anything about it, because the Palazzolo firing left many people with a bad taste in their mouths; fear of being fired for coming forward with alarming information and finger pointing at yet again, a ruthless district leader, Judy Needham and company. I, for one, am glad that the teachers at AHHS were wise to contact UEA and let them be the messengers this time, unlike with Palazzolo. At least the district can’t conjure up BS on UEA and have them fired, like they did with Joe. How sad that FWISD and Dansby say that retaliation is not acceptable, yet they will crucify you in an instant, if they know you complain. Heck, the current principal at AHHS has been known to threaten any teachers with their jobs if they reported anything on the toilet situation. Guess he looks like a complete fool now! But watch your backs teachers. This district stops at nothing, especially Needham, to get retaliation if they find you out. For the sake of the special ed kids; I hope they get some justice for the way they have been tossed aside. Someone in Austin should be alerted; hopefully this story will take care of that, to get them to finally investigate Needham and this district for all the corrupted things they continue to do and get away with. Let’s hope that this article is the catalyst to finally putting an end to Needham’s glory, as well as the other fools on the board, who believe in her, so much so that they made her the “face of the FWISD board of trustees”!

  3. How shameful is this? Wow FWISD have you learned nothing from Joe’s case and AHHS, more importantly, Needham? You thought Joe was the problem, so you had him fired because Needham feared he would continue to peel the layers back on her sick and twisted games. What is your excuse now? Joe has been gone for almost 3 years and it seems that AHHS is still in the news with even more crap happening! Joe wasn’t the problem and still isn’t. The problem is Needham and her cronies who continue to feed her ego and allow her to rule this district. Ha, Dansby thinks he’s in charge? You are a pawn Dansby, a Needham pawn just like the others. When this district falls, and it will, you all have Needham to thank for putting you all in the legal history books. You can hurt regular people like Joe, because he knows how to defend himself, but ignoring and treating defenseless special needs kids like crap is a new low for this district. Shame on you Mr. Dansby, because you have been aware of this and did nothing, instead you put all your money into renovating football fields. This is such political bullshit! Time for the feds to come and clean house.

  4. I only hope the Sap’s going to Blue Mesa this weekend read this story and realize it is time for change – NOT more of the same thing. Benbrook residents need only look to Needham’s own words for reason NOT to vote for Norm Robbins again. A worthless rubber stamp. Too bad Lockheed does not look into the ethics of its employees. Then the is Sims. The original “Sleepy” from Snow White. C’mon poeple. We can do better.

  5. i heard about this story a year ago but just couldn’t believe it was true. The story sounded too fantastical to have been a permanent bathroom facility for these severely disabled students. Now we are seeing the shameful truth in the FWW. Thank you Eric for exposing this issue. I would like to know if any parents complained? Often parents of disabled children are dismissed when they complain to district office. My interaction with the Special Education Director for FWISD has also been dismissed. This informed me that special education at FWISD was below par but I had no idea AHHS had no designated facility for bathroom facilities for these students. I can tell you other school districts in the area do. How FWISD has been able to hide this issue for so long tells me they have hidden this fact from TEA inspectors. Oh, and don’t believe Clint Bond’s comment he cannot speak to the matter due to privacy rights. This is a smoke screen. You cannot talk about a specific student publicly without PARENTAL CONSENT. However this did not seem to matter in 2010 when AHHS counselor announced all of the names of students receiving special education to report to the office over the public address system prior to a TAKS test. It is true general education teachers in FWISD do not get continuing educaation on the basics of special education. Any child with a learning disability such as ADHD to the most disabled child are entitled by FEDERAL LAW to certain rights and considerations to be successful in school. But if teachers are not informed those rights are denied. And I agree with previous writers…..where was Queen Needham? This is deplorable behavior from your elected official Arlington Heights….so shame on you for re-electing her term after term.

  6. I wish I was independently wealthy, so I could just sit behind a laptop all day and write and/or investigate more stories about this district. I would think maybe a novel is in order or better, an HBO special! Mr. Griffey, please continue to write about the ISD, because this is the only paper that prints the truth, unlike the Startlegram, who likes to sugar coat everything. Brink worked hard until her last breaths of life to ensure that this district turns a wrong into a right, in terms of Joe’s case. Now you have this new development at the Heights and it sounds so similiar, in regards to people having to go in secrecy to get something terribly wrong addressed. The only difference I see here is, unlike MJ demanding to know the names of the complainants, like she did in Joe’s whistleblower case, the teachers went to the union anonymously. I pray they stay anonymous. Everyone knows if they are discovered, like Joe, they will pay the price with their jobs. I am still paying the price for something I said 3 years ago, but they know all I have to do is pick up the phone and call Mr. Shaw. All of the things mentioned in the comments above are indications that this district cannot be trusted to do the right thing. They continue to hide behind the Needham wall of protection. they will all fall soon, one by one they will soon have to answer to all of the corruption that has taken place since way before MJ left to this day. This story needed to come out and more, especially about the Joe P. case. It is all connected to the Heights and Judy Needham…it always is! One has to ask: Where in the hell is the Department of Education been in the last 3 years??? This district retains the worst of the worst in order to avoid law suits, i.e., the Dunbar nipple pincher. He gets promoted to central, even though he admitted to doing what he did. There are others who get preferential treatment because they fear lawsuits. Now you have this situation with the potty chair, another blow to the ISD gut. Good luck fort Worth ISD. I hope these teachers will follow through and something happens to hold the district accountable for their moral and legal blunders. There have been a lot of ADA laws broken here and more throughout the district. Wake up public and take a stand!

  7. An Open Letter to Judy Needham and all parents:
    This story, written in the tradition of Betty Brink is the TRUE FWISD – not the unethical crap in the Star Telegram. Wake up parents!! These are your children! Benbrook; North Side; East Side; Central Districts GET INVOLVED!!! Needham you are POISON! You are killing children and you are killing this school district. You are an unethical, devious, control freak. We have dragged Palazzolo through the mud but he has fought back! You and your cronies are going to trial. There you will be exposed for the closet dweller you are. Your alleged lesbian relationship; your ruthless tactics. MJ was a puppet who knew nothing about educating urban children. Her closet self is about to be exposed as well. Your problem is that you thought is was Palazzolo and the teachers who went to the media. Guess what? It wasn’t. I have seen the e-mail proving it was your new buddies Rangel and that worm Vasquez who INSTRUCTED P’s representative to go to Betty Brink. I was with Joe more than once when he refused to talk to her. Those spineless clowns used him to force MJ to resign and then attempted to throw him under the bus to prevent the truth from coming out. Guess what? It didn’t work. You, Robbins, Sims, Moss and Dickerson were all part of covering up why Vasquez is no longer a Principal and Rnagel’s extra curricular activities. It is all coming out – in court. People are about to see what little you REALLY care about children. Photo ops are just that – momentary opportunities. We are professionals DEDICATED to improving lives. This Board is an abomination. We need real parents. Problem is even they are afraid to run against your minions. THis story is just one of dozens sitting on the burner waiting to be told. We pray the Weekly continues to honor Betty by carrying on her blessed work. Please resign now and take every one of these fools with you. More and more witnesses are offering to testify for Palazzolo. Of your long class-time “lunches” with Alexander and Perry. More to follow. You can end this now with dignity. Do you have any idea how to do that? End the witch hunt and reinstate Palazzolo now.

    • Teacher: I agree whole heartedly with your comments…ALL of them. To say that Needham, Alexander, Perry, MJ, Vasquez, Rangel, Sutherland, etc., are all incestuous is putting it mildly! Folks, it’s not that Needham’s “gay factor” (or even MJ’s for that matter) is the problem here, well maybe it is a little, since they give gay people a bad name. The real problem is that people like Needham and her flunkies think that money and power brings them privilege; privilege to make a mockery of rules and regulations; to make unethical deals for self-serving reasons, and instill beliefs they are all beyond reproach. That joke of an article on Needham in ST is proof that FWISD is trying to do early damage control for what is yet to be revealed on her and her failed performance as a board member for her district. Believe you me…there are more stories about Needham and FWISD that haven’t even made this paper and for sure not even the ST. In all fairness; this whole board of trustees, including Dansby and some of his cabinet members, are just as guilty of wrongdoing. However, Needham is at the helm of it all.

      Needham is a vicious and calculating “Mother Goose”; they all live in her ugly SAS shoe with her and follow her evil lead. I hope you minions know, if it comes down to brass tactics; she will hammer the windows shut in her “shoe”, light the sucker, and save herself over any of you!!! You don’t think she’s come this far playing the nice Mother Goose do you? Do yourselves a favor; when the Cain’s chicken crows three times, you better deny you know her or you stand a chance to go down…ALONE! Unfortunately, some of you buffoons are so dedicated or knee deep indebted to her that you will fall no matter what. Like some of these comments have stated; it will all manifest in court and everyone will finally know ALL of the fabricated lies you all have tried to pass as truths. Your kingdom of lies will fall Needham, et al. Your day is coming and it will be shit-packed with karma! Look for me…I will be the one with the big ass role of Charmin!

  8. Where are the comments from parents with special education students? Citizens of Fort Worth you cannot sit silently hoping this district will guard your children. Please speak out. The teachers deserve your support. They risked their jobs to do the right thing and the UEA deserves everyone’s appreciation. Please take a moment everyone to forward this article to major news media outlets, your state senator and city councilman and other parents.

    • Linda, parents are scared to come forward as usual. They fear if they do, their kids will be treated even worse. It is the same fear that prevents employees from coming forward and its called retaliation! Judy Needham has prevented this district from getting investigated by the crooked DA, because they are buddies. They have had proof of this district doing worst things that came out n the Joe Palazolo case. No one has come forward to hold this district accountable. The district has big guns protecting them and Judy is holding the bullets. Forwarding all of BB’s articles on Joe P and AHHs to everyone and their grandmothers did nothing and it’s almost been 3 years. We all hope and pray this may change, but I am not going to hold my breath. Parents do need to come forward more now than ever, but will they?

  9. I have taught at Heights many years. Walked by that room many times, into it several, never smelled anything untoward. Doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem, but Oliver has a good record of dealing with this sort of thing. Frankly, you folks sound like hysterical bigots. Get a grip.

    • david, re-read the article very slowly. Comprehend. It’s not just about “that room”. It’s about other special ed students mainstreamed into other classes and their needs being denied and ignored. It’s a huge problem.

    • In response to David Reese who said: “I have taught at Heights many years. Walked by that room many times, into it several, never smelled anything untoward.” Either you are a blatant liar or I am blind. I don’t know you; didn’t know you years ago; and know you are full of crap not only for not smelling **** when it is as plan as the nose on your face, but for having the nerve to say Oliver “…has a good record” . Really> Better go back and check out his Middle School record. He is related to someone that’s how he got the job and how he keeps the job. He is a putz who is NEVER on campus. More importantly, he was the District’s hatchet man who went after virtually every teacher/monitor/staffer who testified for Palazzolo. He also knew all about the Coach with the student but as with this, did nothing about it. You disgust me.

  10. Oliver should have been fired the FIRST time UEA brought this to Dansby. Remember it took TWO complaints to get action. This also should be enough to blow DOE off their asses and get Judy Needham and the rest of her goofs on this Board removed as in El Paso. Vasquez (who should never have been allowed to resign and would not have been were he a teacher) and Rangel (women in this District have had enough of his filandering)will lose their respective elections but even parents are afraid to run against Needham’s minions Sims and Robbins.

  11. I am totally DISGUSTED by YOUR comment about Mr. Oliver and him knowing about the coach and student! That is a LIE!!!!! He NEVER knew anything about it until it came to his attention by the police. I am so ashamed that we have a person on our staff who is so out to get him that you BLATANTLY tell LIES about our thoughtful, caring, and devoted Principal….HOW DARE YOU!
    I LOVE this school and if I thought something UNETHICAL was going on with our Principal, I would be the FIRST one to confront him FACE TO FACE about the problem instead of LYING about him, our school, and faculty in an anonymous email to this paper.
    Jason Oliver is a DEDICATED Principal who ALWAYS puts the students first and is trying to raise the academic standards at our campus. He is rarely in his office because he is always going into classrooms, talking with students in the hallways, attending games, participating in student activities or as you said…going to school with the APPROVAL of FWISD!
    As far as the bathroom conditions for the Special Education students….Why weren’t these conditions reported 2 years ago when Mr. Oliver had the Special Education room redone???? I think new windows were put in among MANY other accommodations that were NEVER done before his arrival. He has done more for that Department than any other Principal including Curry, Boyd, and Alexander. I have been at this school since 1998 and I have to say this is the MOST positive, caring faculty we have EVER had. I’m tired of ALL these NEGATIVE comments towards a school I care about. It is very disheartening!

  12. Dear “Happy”, Too bad the children (primarily minority) suffering in those conditions were not as “Happy” as you and Mr. Oliver. Or could it be that you are his wife writing the “Happy” comment? Happy? You are clueless.

    • I am not clueless nor am I his sweet wife! Also, Mr. Oliver is not my BOY! I have 2 grown sons of my own and I am disgusted by your comments! We were NOT threatened the day the story broke. I have no idea why you have such anger issues, but maybe you should ask to be transferred to another school in the district if you are so bothered by Jason Oliver and Judy Needham. There are 13 High Schools and I am sure you will be much HAPPIER at another campus! By the way…my name is Vicki Stellar…when are you going to reveal yours? If you teach at Heights stop by my room and we can talk. Only cowards remain anonymous!

  13. One more thing “Happy”…… If your boy Oliver “…NEVER knew anything about it until it came to his attention by the police” why did he call a faculty meeting after school – the day the story was to break, and threaten us if we spoke to the media?

  14. Vicki, I don’t even work at your school and I even knew about this story and Oliver’s threatening comments to his staff WAY before it came out in this paper! My question is this. If you are so hell bent on being truthful, why didn’t you just write your real name in the first place? So now Oliver knows who you are, BIG DEAL! What is your stake in this? Are you getting brownie points for defending him??? So all these other teachers who went and complained are liars and you alone are the knight in shining armour, a knight mind you, who obviously must have an olfactory deficiency! Actually, no one cares Vicki, certainly not the kids and their parents who put up with this bullshit at AHS. Truth is, but you must not know, b/c you have your nose so far up Oliver’s backside, a lot has transpired at AHS since Oliver took over. So much has gone unreported, much like it did when Alexander was there. Then it takes a story like this to come up, to drudge up other discrepencies. The fact is, a principal is ultimately responsible for his/her campus! Anything that happens is on them for being the so-called leaders of their school. I also have another question. Since when do you, a regular teacher, feel compelled to say “I would be the first to confront him face to face…”!? Seriously Vicki? Even in the worst of schools with the worst of administrators, do I rarely hear ANY faculty member say they would “confront” their principal!!! Unless of course, you have THAT type of relationship, one where you feel you are equal to your administrator. NO, the only person who says they “confront” ANY administrator, is one who is full of brown-nosing CRAP or says they would do it under false pretenses. Unfortunately, I’m going with the former! Tell me Vicki, you are so righteous in your “defense”, why didn’t you “CONFRONT” Alexander, when she was busy tainting the school that you say YOU LOVE so much??? Or was it that Alexander didn’t much care for you, enough for you to defend her like you are doing with Oliver? I suppose this latest stint is not as important or detrimental to your value system, as having kids graduate without credit, leaving school only to later become murderers, stealing money from the booster club, discriminating against Hispanics and Blacks, destroying student files, etc. etc. etc.!
    Do yourself a favor and stop defending and start opening your eyes to the real truth that has befallen AHS and Oliver! Complacency sometimes can be the root of all evil!

  15. It doesn’t surprise me one bit this happened under Oliver’s watch! I know first hand how he operates when he was at Kirkpatrick Middle School! He is a lying, self serving company man! I know how he set up new teachers and programed them for failure from the start. He should be fired but I’m sure he will fit right in with the leadership in FWISD. People scratch their heads and wonder why the district has so many teacher positions to fill every year? It’s people like Oliver, Needham and the rest of the “gang” and horror stories like this that discourages good teachers from wanting a job in FWISD! When are you going to wake up people?

  16. What this situation proves is that if the students in that classroom had been white, west siders, Dansby would have fired him in the spot and Needham would have been demanding justice. Instead, there he sits and Needham is no where to be seen. Meanwhile FWISD continues to spend hundreds of thousands of dokkars still trying to fire Palazzolo.

  17. The “Parent” comment is so correct. These minority disabled students were being denied their dignity due to their status. I’m sure the odor was an obvious issue but the loss of dignity in denying them privacy and aide assistance for wheelchair students is the issue that sends me into a rage. I was told recently self contained special education classrooms on other campuses at middle schools in FWISD have diaper changing tables in the classroom as well. Not sure if this is rumor or the truth…..but I suspect more truth than fiction after reading this story. The flagrant disregard for these developmentally disabled students is heartbreaking. Where is the compassion for these kids in our school district? Shoulddn’t Dr. Sheffield, Dir. of Sp. Ed. also be held accountable here along with Mr Oliver, Needham, and Dansby? Has anyone sent this article to TEA? Isn’t MHMR involved in providing social services for these children? If so where were they?

  18. @ wondering: I was asking the same thing! Isn’t this what the SCLC does…defend the brown and black, especially children referenced in this article? I have to wonder if the district has gotten to Rev Tatum or he thinks his org only defends political agendas.

  19. The reason Tatum hasn’t been heard from is that as soon as he and the evil twins, Vasquez and Rangel got Dansby elected Super, he got a cushy job at Trimble Tech, courtesy of Dansby! it’s all about political gain too. Tatum needs supporters to run for Congress again. You can’t further your personal agenda, by soiling the area where you sleep!