FWW’s annual Creature Comforts Edition hits the stands on Wed, July 26. Reserve space now.

The Dog (Cat/Lizard) Days of Summer have arrived! Says animal correspondent Rufus, “Whether you’re a big cat, a meerkat, or merely a house cat (see what I did there), all creatures great and small are looking for summer fun.” Well said, Rufus. What a good boy you are!

Now that it’s officially summer, there is so much to do and see in the upcoming weeks. What to do, what to do? The Weekly can help you sort it all out.

Here are some special editions and sections headed your way in the near future. Click the title to check out last year’s edition for each:



Special Upcoming Dates at FWW:

June 28: Independence Day Section

July 19: National Tequila Day Section

*July 26: Creature Comforts Edition

August 9: Back-to-School Section

August 30: Labor Day Section

Along with the special dates above, each week, we highlight one event for each day of the week in our Night & Day column and feature food and booze events in Ate Day8 a Week. What’s going on in your world? Please email your event information to for our consideration.

As for reserving space, our final deadlines are Tuesdays for all of the above. Business owners, if you need to get the word out about anything happening now through the end of August, this is the perfect time.

Who’s a good boy? Rufus. Rufus is.


*Yes. It’s time for CREATURE COMFORTS 2023!

In honor of the dog days of summer and National Dog Month, which is right around the bend, The Weekly presents our second annual Creature Comforts Edition.

From head to tail, this issue will cover various animal-related topics and resources, including animal adoptions, creature features, pet-friendly patios, tail-wagging events, zoological wonders, and more.

Show off your animal magnetism and reach our readers right in the furry feels by advertising in this issue! If you’re interested in reserving space, please contact your FWW representative ASAP or click here to submit an inquiry. We’d like to hear from you by Friday, July 21 or sooner.
