Mind Your Garden: Farm to Table with the Family is Sat, Jun 22. Courtesy Blue Zones

On Sat, June 22, from 9am to 11am, bring the family to Mind Your Garden: Farm to Table with the Family at 3815 Timberline Dr, Fort Worth for some good, dirty fun. You’ll meet Steven and Ursula of Mind Your Garden and have a blast while you learn to pick, prepare, and eat what’s growing on the farm.

Explore the farm and let the little ones run around. You’ll also take home some goodies that can help you get the family growing at home. This event is family friendly and habla español. Registration is open until June 21 or until the class is filled.

You don’t have to go out to the country to give kids a real farm experience. There are a number of urban farms right here that plant, grow, and sell to the community. Spend a morning “on the farm” and learn about them and much more during a free Locally Grown Farm Experience, presented by Texas Health Community Hope.

Sundance Square Black History- rectangle corrected

All experiences are FREE, but advanced registration is required. Space is limited, so sign up today. Look for more Locally Grown Farm Experiences coming in Fall 2024. (Note that some events have age restrictions.) To learn more or register for these events, visit today.