To the editor: After reading Dan McGraw’s article (On Second Thought, Feb. 10, 2010), I’ve decided to just say “no.” I won’t go to the stock show, gun shows, or flea markets if I have to pay these obscene parking fees.

When going to the aforementioned events, I’ve always spent plenty on concessionary items and tickets, plus patronizing nearby restaurants. And now at the behest of the city and its cronies we’re expected to enrich and fatten their wallets? I’ll just watch the major highlights of the stock show on TV, go to flea markets where the parking is free, and attend gun shows in other cities that don’t give you a sticker-shock price on parking. It might cost me more for gas, but at least I won’t feel “capitalized” upon by those who choose profits over common sense!


Seneca Maskell

Fort Worth

To the editor: Dan McGraw’s article illustrates the greed that seems to motivate everything.

The parking garage was built with city bond money, and now all patrons, tourists, and townfolk must pay the piper the privilege to park and repay the bond — and of course W.R. Watts, who organizes the three-week fat stock show and rodeo. We must supplement his annual salary, which is already $450,000!

You can bet your boots and saddle that Mayor Mike Moncrief is the ramrod in this pay-to-park price gouging.

It’s too bad we can’t simply boycott certain events, but that would penalize the restaurants, flea markets, and gun shows that rely on the revenue brought in from customers, not to mention the sales tax generated by the spending public.

Dan pegged it right that the stock show is jealous that some owners of vacant lots might get minimal parking revenue on busy days.

Amon G. Carter and Will Rogers would roll over in their graves if they saw how avaricious Fort Worth has become.

Delores Raikes

Fort Worth


Gas and Greed

To the editor: Thanks to the Weekly’s regular columns by its journalists and the updates in the Static commentary, particularly in dealing with the headlines of the day concerning the impact of gas drilling on environmental problems and health and safety concerns.

Benzene pollution isn’t just an issue in the air we breathe in. How about the benzene levels in the wells of rural America? So we breathe and drink it along with the free water?

Surely you can’t expect our esteemed Mayor Moncrief to put the agenda back on the table for another look. That’s because Moncrief has enormous influence and vested interests in oil and gas. So the old cliché “money talks and bullshit walks” is appropriate in this modern day of greed and self-interest.

Delores Russel

Fort Worth


To the editor: Gov. Perry and his attorney general (“The Candidate,” Feb. 17, 2010) need to step back, take a breath (of our polluted air), and realize that the public’s health is more important than the profits of Big Industry. Perry wants Big Industry’s money to fund his re-election campaign and his expected run for the White House in 2012. Never mind if, in the meantime, the voters are suffering and dying from Texas’ excessively dirty air. I am so sick of the Republicans’ repeated scare tactic that any regulation to clean up our air, water, or soil will mean a loss of jobs and ruin our economy. Dozens of other states are already taking advantage of the benefits a clean energy economy can bring, implementing their own plans to reduce global warming pollution, and encouraging clean energy jobs.

The study cited in the lawsuit is only one of thousands of carefully researched and peer-reviewed studies by reputable and concerned scientists. The Environmental Protection Agency’s efforts to reduce global warming pollution represents years of careful and considered analysis by career scientists and takes tens of thousands of public comments into account.

Sandra Breakfield



Coffee Talk

To the editor: I cannot believe the nerve of those pretentious, entitled Starbucks employees featured in Eric Griffey’s article (“A Cup of Union,” Feb. 3, 2010). Guess what! You are fast-food workers. Even with your silly titles such as “barista” and “partner,” you’re still just making coffee, working behind a counter, and wearing a name tag.

If they want a good job with real benefits, I suggest they go to school for something, get a degree, and get a grown-up job. I can’t believe someone would actually think of making coffee as a career.

Donny Carr
