The inimitable writer and raconteur Joe Nick Patoski is the guest deejay from 9 to 11 tonight on 93.5 Marfa Public Radio, which is available via web stream.

Patoski is a Fort Worth boy done good. You might have seen his byline in Texas Monthly, Rolling Stone, No Depression, and other big time rags, and he’s written well-researched biographies on Willie Nelson, Selena, and Stevie Ray Vaughan.

I tracked him down on his cellphone a few minutes ago while he was taking a break from teaching a writing workshop in Alpine, Texas. He said he was heading to the Marfa public radio station later on for his evening broadcast and couldn’t wait to spin some obscure tunes.


“They let me on the radio here every now and then and it’s like radio in the old days when you could play whatever you wanted, and the programming was done by a disc jockey instead of a consultant,” he said. “I’m going to play some brand new Delbert [McClinton], Tom Russell, and Guy Clark, and play some offbeat crazy stuff too. Far out, far West Texas is such a throwback and reminds you of what Texas used to be. I’m going to be reliving my days as a KFAD disc jockey and I’m all fired up about it.”