Sen. Wendy Davis told the press this morning about new measures aimed at natural gas drillers. The measures will help state officials “gather more data, hold drilling companies more accountable, and ensure the ongoing positive impact of Barnett Shale drilling on area communities.”

Davis said she has worked with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to create new steps to monitor the industry.

“The goal was to ensure we are protecting the health of our families and children,” the senator said. “I am proud to have helped identify constructive solutions to address some of our communities’ urban gas drilling concerns.”


At least one neighborhood activist isn’t ready to jump on the hoorah train.

Don Young, founder of Fort Worth Citizens Against Neighborhood Drilling Ordinance (FWCanDo), sees the new measures as “a lot of hand wringing and pretending to do something but not really getting anything done.”

Young said Davis was too friendly with the industry during her years on the Fort Worth City Council when important drilling ordinances were being made. As a senator, she’s pretty much the same, he said.

The new measures involve a state agency that has rarely shown much backbone when it comes to monitoring drillers, he said.

“Wendy has been talking to the industry and the state regulators too much and not listening to the people,” Young said. “I have no confidence in her.”

Young said Davis could make a better impact by using the Texas OGAP standards for drilling as her blueprint for change.


  1. This is a better link to find the Texas OGAP Drill Right campaign document:

    I might add that although Wendy Davis’ proposals are encouraging, her new employment with the Cantey-Hangar law firm and her change of mind about the need for a drilling permit moratorium cast a dark cloud over her commmitment. I’ll leave it to others to explain the reasons why that is.

  2. Wendy recently boarded the Cantey-Hanger train.

    As we all know, Cantey Hanger has prospered and existed for DECADES by making sure that no one gets in the way of the exemptions of the gas industry and has protected their interests at the EXPENSE of the common citizen.

    Wendy’s credibility is in disrepair.

  3. If indeed State Senator Wendy Davis is going to split her professional time between Cantey Hanger and the State Senate the timing of this career path might be called in to question. It being so coincidently with her public outcry to help with the Carter Ave situation and vocal concern for gas drilling to be done right if at all. Her future stands will speak for themselves and her reputation. I hope you chose well Ms Davis. We feel this maybe the way for an apparent bias law firm to silence an important voice we have had. I hope you speak well, but your recent comments seem to us as a pull back of your advocacy of a just kind. We will see and we are watching.