If you were feeling a little swoonier than usual this holiday weekend, it could be an airborne case of Bieber fever. The Bieb was eyeballed out and about in Arlington with his current old lady Selena Gomez. They were at Six Flags on Saturday and The Parks Mall on Sunday.

The Justin Bieber Shrine Fansite Blog has super-excellent photos of the twosome, and all the controversy that goes with their not-at-all-manufactured romance. The burning question among commenters seems to be: Is Selena just using Justin to get more fame? The responses range from “she’s getting to be known as the biggest star all because of justin. don’t get mad at me its just my opinion”; to “omg she’s not using him they really love each other”; to the truly unnerving “hes like makeing me hate him now wow what a jerk and slutlena oops I mean selena is such a whore.”

If it’s true that Gomez is now receiving death threats because of her public fling with Justin, I say: Invest in a flak jacket, girl. Once bitten by Bieber lust, Brianna and Ashley are capable of anything.