Thursday, May 2, 2024

Monthly Archives: February 2013

Mac Churchill’s Senior Discount

It’s a story old as the automobile itself: A frail elderly man walks into a car dealership. The shyster-y salesmen twirl their freshly waxed mustaches...
Identity Thief opens Friday.

Film Shorts

OPENING: Identity Thief (R) Jason Bateman stars in this comedy as a New York man who travels to Florida to catch a small-time criminal (Melissa...
The TCU vs Kansas game tips off at 8pm at Daniel-Meyer Coliseum.

Night & Day

WED ▪ 6 Joining the Big 12 was a football decision for TCU, but it has had a severe impact on the men’s basketball team....

High Cockalorum

It was the kind of situation that, had a cell phone camera been handy, could have turned into one of those YouTube overnight wonders...
DJ Havana Brown headlined the opening of Vee Lounge.

Vee Fame Game

As the limo rolling down 5th Street pulled over to the curb and stopped, I wondered if it would disgorge somebody famous. Or at...

Cool Lola’s Gets Blackbox

Lola’s owner Brian Forella recently made an off-handed comment about his club that broke my heart a little. Apparently, he said, in the glittery,...
Joshua Elliott’s “self-congratulatory nonsense”


Joshua Elliott’s multimedia installation explores our delusions about ourselves and possibly even the whole idea of projecting one’s obsessions and neuroses into an art...

Coffee with the Codger

Here’s a sad fact: Chow, Baby is getting older. The signs are there: I’m always in bed before 10 p.m., I avoid crowded places,...
A play with music (rather than a musical), Jubliee’s Black Pearl Sings demands nuanced performances.

Black Pearl Shines

“You are an authentic doorway to the past,” Susannah (Lana K. Hoover), an Anglo song collector for the Library of Congress, tells Pearl (Liz...
Jones: “I felt like the players in this town were as good as in any city I ever lived in.” Vishal Malhotra

Class Act: Jody Jones

In a way, Fort Worth chose Jody Jones. The early-fortysomething Americana singer-songwriter was born here and spent a good chunk of his childhood here, but...