To the editor: I have hope that Fort Worth will at some time decide to go green (“Cowtown’s Growing Green,” March 11, 2009). I don’t think, though, that scraping off a 1930’s house or two on Linden Street in order to build a four-bedroom, three-and-a-half bath home for a couple expecting their first child could possibly fit inside the “green” column.”

How about we rethink what we consider commendable?

Margaret Thibert


Fort Worth

Torture by Any Other Name Still Stinks

To the editor: Independent journalist Gwynne Dyer’s March 18 guest column (“Obama and the Gulag”) illustrates the continuing shenanigans and covert operations by a federal government that’s trying to keep its hands clean here at home, to enable them to say that “we don’t torture.” But regardless of the euphemism they call it by, torture is torture, even if it’s “outsourced.” It is still reflective of our attitude toward detainees. Our government is using public money to pay these mercenary countries to do specific levels of torture and apparently thinks we’re not culpable for whatever happens as long as it doesn’t happen on our soil.

We appreciate anyone who writes the truth without sugar-coating it to lessen the culpability of those in high office. President Obama has the authority to reverse the Bush doctrine pertaining to the torture of POWs. He should put it in gear.

Dee Cantrell

Fort Worth

Hats Off to the Weekly

To the editor: Congratulations to Fort Worth Weekly for nabbing, for the second time in three years, a national journalism award from the Investigative Reporters and Editors organization (“Weekly Takes National Reporting Honor,” April 1, 2009).

Team Weekly has provided a tremendous “need to know” forum to keep the public informed of the doings of large corporations such as TXU and of local, state, and federal regulation of such companies that is lackadaisical.

Without committed journalists, the public would only get information from regular mainstream papers, which often give just superficial information on an issue. The Weekly is committed to in-depth explanatory and investigative work. The Weekly is driven by principle and integrity to serve its readers, and the staff bears this out with their credentials.

Tracy Kelly

Fort Worth

Mirror, Please

To the editor: After reading the first paragraph of E. R. Bills’ guest column (“Evolve, Please,” March 25, 2009), I just wonder how long the hate of these left-wing idiots against former President Bush will continue. I for one do not agree with all President Bush did. I believe he and the Republicans, along with the Democrats, have overspent in the last two years. As for labeling President Bush the most powerful moron in the modern world, my only statement to E. R. Bills is, you probably should look in the mirror.

Craig R. Campbell

Fort Worth