Saturday, July 27, 2024

Film Reviews

Film Reviews

Darkest Hour: Not Their Finest

I'm going to start this negative review of Darkest Hour by saying good things about this film. First of all, this is the best...

Crouching Tiger, Eating Panda

The latest animated family film from DreamWorks Animation, Kung Fu Panda is not as much fun as Kung Fu Hustle, but it's much better...

Hunger Games: Girl on Fire

When it comes to adapting Suzanne Collins’ novel The Hunger Games to film, the big challenge is that the book is so many different...

Housing Balloon

The best part of Pixar's new movie Up comes early on. The film starts with its main character, Carl Fredericksen, as a little boy...

Angry Spider

The last shot of Spider-Man 2 was a close-up of MJ Watson (Kirsten Dunst) as she watched her beloved superhero web off into the...

Portrait of a Lady: Hint from Héloïse

Today’s film-school term is “male gaze.” Developed in the 1970s by British film theorist Laura Mulvey, this idea holds that movies are made from...

Blinded by the Light: Born in the U.K.

Sarfraz Manzoor hated growing up as the son of Pakistani immigrants in Britain in the 1980s, but instead of seeking out The Clash or...

Night of the Laughing Dead

Remember two weeks ago when I said Jennifer's Body was the funniest horror movie since Shaun of the Dead? I was too quick on...

This Movie Is Kick-Ass

How do I describe the awesomeness of Kick-Ass? I could say this is the superhero flick that Watchmen desperately wanted to be, but that...

Godzilla vs. Kong: Monster Smackdown

I have to say, this current series of Hollywood movies about Godzilla feels like the wrong kind of throwback. Taken as a whole, ...