To the editor: I am a female, liberal, minority graduate of TCU who wears her purple colors loud and proud. Yours was an excellent article on TCU (“Higher Math,” July 1, 2009).

Bryan Shettig wrote that “the controversy over the war in Iraq seemed barely to register on the campus,” but we organized protests such as the one in January 2006 when Paul Bremer came to campus. While we were a small crowd on the grass facing University Drive, sounds of opposition were civil, and Fort Worth citizens joined us.

As a minority student, arriving on campus brought no culture shock but an opportunity to make friends with conservative frat boys, hippie anthropologists in rock bands, and the sophisticated classical music crowd. TCU has made long strides in diversifying its student base, and the effort has paid off.

While, sadly, tuition increases and stories of massive debt after graduation are true, various TCU programs and professors were definitely worth it. Ultimately, while it is each student’s personal decision to apply to or attend TCU despite tuition costs, I hope TCU ceases to be seen as only a “rich,” “white,” or “conservative” school.


Cindy Vasquez

Fort Worth

Homebuyer Beware

To the editor: The Metropolis story (“Buzz Cuts,” July 1, 2009) by Andrew McLemore conveys some important caveats. If you are “intellectually challenged” as to the laws and codes of real estate, some agents will capitalize on that. A written contract supercedes anything verbal. Real estate agents aren’t going to willingly divulge anything negative – they want to sell the property, not give you information that might convince you not to buy it.

You might appeal to your state legislator, providing he or she doesn’t have a vested interest in real estate in the neighborhood.

A plane crash might be the only thing that would lead to a change regarding noise levels and homes near low-flying military aircraft. If that happened, changes would probably be quickly implemented.

Yvonne Roth

Fort Worth


Veto Rick

To the editor: Dave McNeely’s Second Thought column (“Rick-y Business,” July 8, 2009) gave us some interesting observations to consider come election time.

Rick Perry may hold the title of longest-serving governor of Texas, but U.S Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison will take him on in the next election – and win.

Perry has alienated many of his constituents. He’s vetoed more legislation than any other governor, refused to grant a posthumous pardon to Tim Cole, appointed his cronies to boards and commissions, and turned down the federal stimulus money. It’s time we the taxpayers reciprocate – and vote him out of office.

Linda Green

Fort Worth

(In)Sure to Get Your Money

To the editor: Dan McGraw’s article (“Not So Healthy,” June 24, 2009) is the best piece of journalism I’ve seen to explain what’s wrong with access to health insurance for millions of Americans.

Insurance companies have one-track minds: Their aim is to get your money. You pay your premiums, and then the company often refuses to pay because of “pre-existing conditions.”

After a certain age, everyone has a pre-existing condition. If these conditions are pre-emptive strikes, why don’t insurance companies have a protocol for a comprehensive physical checkup prior to issuing a policy instead of charging outrageous rates only to deny your claims?

Public insurance would be the most viable and sound investment, but as Dan points out, private health insurance and Big Pharma have their lobbyists on standby and in avarice mode.

Margie Miller

Fort Worth



Last week’s cover story, “Cut From the Same Cloth,” incorrectly stated that the Tarrant County District Attorney’s office had asked the state attorney general to intervene in the Chelsea Richardson murder appeal, when in fact a state district judge is presiding over the appeal. The article also incorrectly stated the name of Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins and gave the number of people who were exonerated based on DNA evidence in that county as 19 instead of 20.

Additionally, due to a computer glitch, the first name and title of Tarrant County College District board vice chairman Bobby McGee were inadvertently dropped from last week’s Metropolis story, “Land Mines on the Bluff.”

Fort Worth Weekly regrets the errors.