Devon Nowlin’s oil painting “Double of Nothing” (2009) will be on display as part of a Gallery 414 group show, Showdown.
Devon Nowlin’s oil painting “Double of Nothing” (2009) will be on display as part of a Gallery 414 group show, Showdown.

Oxford University-educated Nigerian artist and photographer Adeniyi Olagunju, who’s studying for his MFA at TCU, is one of several local artists –– and three TCU MFA candidates –– who’ll be exhibiting work at Gallery 414 as part of a new group show. Showdown also will feature pieces by Shafaq Ahmad, Nate Glaspie, Tim Harding, Lorrie McClanahan, Devon Nowlin, Harmony Padgett, and Christoph Trendel. The show, which will run through early January, opens tomorrow (Saturday) from 6 to 9 p.m. at the near-Cultural District gallery.


Also on Saturday, F6 Gallery in Arlington will present its annual Gift Show. The most you can expect to pay for any single piece is about $25. The sale/exhibit is from 7 to 11 p.m. at the warehouse gallery in a business park off West Division. Perfect timing for Christmas. For more info, e-mail



The Me-Thinks, Max Cady, recent Weekly feature subjects The Dangits, and The Hochimen at Lola’s Saloon-Sixth (2736 W. 6th St., in the W. 7th corridor, 817-877-0666).

Alejandro Escovedo and San Antonio’s Hacienda at The Aardvark (2905 W. Berry St., by TCU, 817-926-7814).

Joey Green Band at Billy Bob’s Texas (2520 Rodeo Plaza, in the Stockyards, 817-624-7117).