From the “Tell-Us-Something-We-Don’t-Already Know” file comes this report — the Trinity River is a toxic mess.

Environment Texas, a statewide advocacy group, released a report today entitled “Wasting Our Waterways: Industrial Toxic Pollution and the Unfulfilled Promise of the Clean Water Act.”

Hmm, the name isn’t too catchy, but the report says the Trinity River running through the Dallas/Fort Worth Area poses a high risk to recreational users.


Check out this tidbit from the report: “Of the waterways in Texas being dumped into by industrial facilities, the Trinity River falls within the top third most polluted. Additionally, according to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, the majority of the river running through the Dallas/Fort Worth area is considered too polluted or otherwise degraded for high contact recreational use.”

And how about a big raspberry to Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation – the company “released 1.5 million pounds of toxic chemical waste into the Tankersley Creek. The Mount Pleasant facility was the largest reported polluter of toxic chemicals in Texas in 2007.”

In other words, everybody shown in this video is now giving birth to three-headed babies:


  1. The city wants to gouge out Riverside Park to use as a flood plain. In the last meeting they acknowledged the water was polluted because you know “its an urban park”. Well geez, its a little more polluted that they led the residents to believe. We need all Riverside, Sylvania Heights and Oakhurst resident to come to the final meeting before they flood our park with filth.

    Thursday, February 11, 6:30 p.m.
    Fort Worth Harvest Church
    620 N. Chandler Dr.

    City of Fort Worth Final Public Meeting on the Riverside Park Master Plan