To the editor: Eddie Griffin’s intellectually dishonest piece of propaganda (On Second Thought, March 31, 2010) attempts to portray all Republicans, Tea Partiers, and anyone else who disagrees with Obama’s policies for that matter, as racist.

I don’t disagree that the spitting, racial slurs, and threats are disgusting. Equally disgusting is Griffin’s lazy and irresponsible reaction of stereotyping entire groups of people based on the reprehensible actions of a few. So who’s the racist?

Max Pfiffner




To the editor: Eddie Griffin’s opinion piece was accurately labeled: His rhetoric in this piece was loud, confused,
and empty.

Mr. Griffin “reported” the totally unproven claim that the Congressional Black Caucus made that the “n-word” was shouted out to them (over a dozen times!) during their March 20 walk at the U.S. Capitol. Where in this age of YouTube was a single audio or video example to back up this claim?

I mean, here you have a very provocative walk by these congressmen through a crowd of 30,000 to 40,000 Americans standing against the abomination that is Obamacare — right there, in the center of this circus, with all the network news cameras rolling, a bazillion camera phones, and even several of the congressmen themselves taping this scene — and not one single example of racism was captured.

Don’t you know that if anything racist had been said or done that day, we would have seen it thousands of times by now?

Don’t you know that a full week prior to your Fort Worth Weekly screed, Andrew Brietbart, publisher of the news portal Breitbart Comhad, offered a $100,000 reward for evidence of any racist comments that may have been made at this event? Now, weeks later, apparently no racist act occurred, because no evidence could
be found.

So what is it, Mr. Griffin? Are you being dishonest, or are you simply lazy as you and the “lamestream” news media play this race card, attempting to paint the Tea Party activists as racists for one reason: to stop them in their tracks.

J. Wilson

Fort Worth

Pit Bull for the East Side

To the editor: Journalist Betty Brink’s story about the one-woman crusade led by Fort Worth City Council member Kathleen Hicks against payday lenders and the pawn shops (“The Price of Payday,” April 7, 2010) was exemplary reporting.

Hicks is committed to her constituents — to protect, serve, and make their neighborhood a better place to live. But the malignant forces that prey on underprivileged people in despair and poverty are making a tidal wave of problems for this devoted councilwoman.

As she said, she’d “never seen a council that rezoned another council member’s district when that member objected.” So much for transparency of the council and the right of the public to be informed of changes that affect their neighborhoods.

As for the mighty Mayor Mike Moncrief and other council members, most of them sit on their supercilious perches and don’t answer to anyone, especially the public that voted them in!

Council member Moss voted as Cash America lobbied him to. Maybe they should move all the pawnshops and payday lenders to his district. Quid pro quo for his allegiance.

Kathleen Hicks has the perseverance of a pit bull. I hope she wins in her fight against Moncrief and his malcontents.

Dee Taylor

Fort Worth


In a story about African sculptor Henri Pierre Mayakapongo (March 31, 2010), Debra Rohlfing’s job was described incorrectly, due to an editing error. She works at The Artful Bead, not Artful Hand. Both shops have shown Mayakapongo’s works. Fort Worth Weekly regrets the error.


More on Clinton

To the editor: Comments from R. Grauerholz (Letters, April 7, 2010) regarding the Clinton presidency (Static, March 24, 2010) displayed several inaccuracies, not the least of which were the exclusion of the Lewinsky debacle and the October 1993 military disaster in Somalia.

Lynn Gray Breaux

Fort Worth