Stockyards businessman and early Texas art collector A.C. “Ace” Cook was buried yesterday in a cemetery near where he grew up in rural Morton Valley in Eastland County.

It was a small, private affair.

Ace’s buddy Morris Matson described the funeral this way:


The cemetery was cut out of an old mesquite pasture many years ago, and Ace was buried near his mother, stepfather, grandparents, and great grandparents. A cool breeze blew. People had to watch where they stood — red ant beds were abundant.  So were grasshoppers, and Ace’s grandchildren had a big time trying to step on them all. It was an ideal setting for Ace’s final resting place, in the same landscape he used to hunt as a boy.


Matson took this photo of the cemetery. It resembles a landscape that a traveling artist might have seen and favored 100 years ago, sat down and painted, and created an image on a canvas that would outlive both artist and collector.


  1. M’orris/Family
    The place of AC’s final repose is fitting – the scene and song of the west Texas prairie reflects the strength and fortitude of the man. It also frames his pristine character as a human being of fine qualities . He was an exceptional, interesting, intelligent and sensitive person that bright lighted the pathway along his way.
    I miss his companionship and and down right logical challanges to my concepts and ideas. Knowing him has been my gain – he enhanced my life.
    I express my condolences to the family.
    Edward J. Denari

  2. Saddest day of my life was having to say goodbye to my father. It is truly and honor to be his daughter. He told me all the time how much he LOVED life. I am so thankful to all the well wishes and out pouring of love that I have been shown by the people that he touched. I pray that his legacy continues for many many years to come. Thank you to everyone for being so kind during this difficult time.

    Charlie Cook Lindstrom