(flickr photo by Toni Rantanen)

A couple of contrasting photography exhibits are on the spring schedule at the Amon Carter Museum of American Art.

Big Pictures features works that are — you guessed it — big.

The idea is to see how photos printed on a grand scale can make visitors explore them in a new way.


Big Pictures runs March 5 to April 21.

On the other end of the size meter, Marie Coindas: Instant Color features Polaroid shots in their original 4 X 5-inch scale.

Polaroid exhibits are fascinating. The good ones make you stand their and wonder how in the hell the photographer used what amounted to a Flintstones stone-tablet camera to create something so artistic.

Coindas is legendary among Polaroid fanatics. The company aligned itself with artists in those early days and allowed them to do field testing of the cameras. Cosindas was recruited in 1962 and created some killer portraits.

Maria Coindas: Instant Color runs March 2 to May 26.