This gas sign caught me off guard while I was driving on Jacksboro Highway and noticed it out of the corner of my eye.

Uh, $4.44 for gas?

Fortunately, it’s a QuikTrip convenience store and gas station that’s under construction at the corner of River Oaks Boulevard.

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Once the store opens on April 25, the sign will be adjusted to match the current retail rate of gas.

Then again, $4.44 might be the retail rate by then.

Some motorists in Hawaii and California are paying that amount now.

A QT spokesperson said gas prices are usually not posted until a station opens for business.

However, this QT store in River Oaks boasts an automatic sign with numbers included. A company official said he would see about getting the numbers set to $0.00 so as not to confuse anybody before the store opens.



  1. If we didn’t build this city in a way that requires everybody to use a car for everything, we’d be more insulated against the price of gas.