Rain, Rain Go Away

Yesterday’s start of the Crowne Plaza Invitational at Colonial was delayed three hours due to rain and lightning. I guess they’ve seen Caddyshack. And like a fairytale, everybody’s new favorite Jordan Spieth is currently atop the leader board (as of 11 am).

Curse Of The Tiger

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It’s a good thing Tiger Woods hates Colonial Country Club and never plays the club’s annual golf tournament. Would you want him dropping F-bombs and taking Our Lord’s name in vain in front of your grandmother?

Drillers Pounce After HB40 Becomes Law

Gov. Greg Abbott signed HB40 into law, giving state officials power over local officials in determining where drilling can occur in a city. Vantage Energy barely waited for the ink to dry before telling city officials that they’re ready to frack Denton again.

If You Build It They Will Yawn

Remember how the Chisholm Trail Parkway was going to create the infrastructure to move cars quickly and invigorate the marketplace and create all kinds of commercial activity? Not so much. “Toll roads can kiss our ass!” said most everybody in Fort Worth.

Toby Speakers Rocks On

Local audiophiles can tell you about Toby Speakers, a company that was created and operated in Fort Worth. Their custom speakers will rattle your brain in the right way.  Toby Guynn, a former jazz musician in the North Texas One O’clock Lab Band, started Toby Corp. in 1968. The shop operated on Montgomery Street until relocating to Haltom City a few years ago. Guynn died in March, and one of his longtime employees, True Taylor, posted a sweet statement on the company’s web site.