Courtesy Facebook

Look at Fort Brewery & Pizza (2737 Tillar St, 817-923-8000), getting into ye olde live music scene. After booking more than a handful of knockout shows over the past few weeks, the joint welcomes rocking and rolling singer-songwriter Shelby Stone 6-9pm today/Wed, Aug 17. No cover, and seating is first come, first served.


Courtesy Facebook

Perhaps the biggest show in town this week is the Amplify 817 Showcase 7-10pm today/Wed, Aug 17, at the Will Rogers Auditorium (3401 W Lancaster Av, 817-392-7469). With free admission thanks to curators the Fort Worth Public Library, the event features performances by only 817 artists GR4NT, Cut Throat Finches, Bencjones, and souful songstress Averi Burk, who’ll be debuting two new tracks.

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Courtesy Bandcamp

While lower temps are still a couple months off (sorry, pollyannish Pete Delkus and your damn teasing forecasts), anytime is a good time for some Cool Jacket! (I’ll show myself out.) From 8-11pm Friday at The Post at River East (2925 Race St, 817-945-8890), the garage-rocking F-Dub trio will perform, yes, and also celebrate the debut of the video for “Sports Talk,” and there’s a rumor going around started by me right now that Norm Hitzges will make an appearance. (He won’t, but … it’d be a lot cooler if he did.) Cool Jacket will be joined by two locals I’m silly with, the hair-metallic Teal Stripe and gentle-voiced Americana stylist Jon Ruhl. Cover to this all-ages show is only one dirty Hamilton.


Courtesy Facebook

Ever wonder what a Monday night in November in Manchester in 1977 felt like? No? I think about it all the time. The cold, dark sky, the roaring fireplaces, the grainy political talk on the transistor radios at the floral-printed Formica kitchen tables over tea or brandy — that’s some moody-ass shit. And I’d like to be back there. I’m a moody-ass MFer. So what. The next best thing for someone living in Texas in August 2022 is Black MASS. From 9pm to 2am Saturday at the titular venue (1002 S Main St, 682-707-7774), DJs To Be Named Later and GoKart Mozart will spin pure darkness and “the heartache” from Manchester and beyond. It’s 18 and up. $8 cover.


Anthony Mariani


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