Courtesy Julio Cedillo

An important member of the local art scene is gone but not forgotten. Aimee Cardoso and husband Lucas Cardoso died in a car accident on Friday, Aug 25. Aimee, a longtime employee of the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth and former director of the nonprofit Art Tooth, was 32 years old. Lucas was 36. Both leave behind large extended families. The couple had been married for nine years. In Aimee’s memory, Modern colleagues extended their love.

The Modern family was incredibly fortunate to have been touched by Aimee Cardoso. We are all feeling this sudden loss so deeply, and we are grateful for the outpouring of compassion being sent our way. Aimee’s openness, friendliness, eagerness, curiosity, and humor made her absolutely irresistible and loved by everyone.

— Andrea Karnes, chief curator at the Modern


Aimee was a bright light whose love for art, insatiable curiosity and passion for learning made her an invaluable asset in her time at the Modern. Those of us fortunate enough to work with her knew almost upon meeting her that she was special and that our relationship as colleagues would inevitably become that of friends.

— Terri Thornton, curator of education at the Modern

Aimee to me was like a force of nature, something inevitable. Her belief in herself and others was not just remarkable but transformative. With Aimee, it always started with her smile: infectious, genuine, and brilliant. When we [hung art], she told me about the love of her life, Lucas, whom she was eagerly waiting to return from Brazil. I will never forget the way her eyes lit up when she spoke about him.

— Jeffrey Poole, exhibition installation team member at the Modern