To the editor: In his article, “Bigots’ Last Stand,” writer E. R. Bills obviously implies that the Confederate flag is a symbol of racism. He groups it with the Nazi swastika and white pride.

The Confederate flag was never a symbol of racism until the bankrupt NAACP starting claiming it as such. Bills is obviously uninformed about the history of the Confederate flag. It was carried into battle by Southerners defending their legitimate country, the Confederate States of America, from the invading hordes of Union soldiers. Among those carrying the flag in that fight were many Negroes, Mexicans, and American Indians. Their descendants have a right to display and honor this flag without the criticism of some wannabe journalist.

And by the way, I resent Bills using the word “clowns” in such a derogatory manner. I am a life member of the Moslah Temple Shrine Clowns and proud of it.


Wayne Pricer

Edgecliff Village


The Fort Worth Way to the Door

To the editor: Jeff Prince’s “Shell Game” (Aug. 11, 2010) reiterates the need for a changing of the guard at Fort Worth city hall.

Until the voters of this city wake up and smell the coffee and vote them out, Moncrief and his cronies will continue to sit on their supercilious perches and do as they please — in “the Fort Worth Way,” as Moncrief has perverted the motto.

I admire Clyde Picht and those who support him. He doesn’t talk out of both sides of his mouth, saying one thing and doing another. With so much greed, corruption, and fraud permeating the ranks of the city, very few are willing to step forth and help pioneer an end to these practices because of the potential consequences. That’s a shame.

Darlene Taylor

Fort Worth

Crosses Should Stay

To the editor: The opposition that some neighbors are voicing against the crosses erected at the New Mount Calvary Baptist Church (Static, Aug. 11, 2010) representing those who have passed away as a result of being tasered, doesn’t pass muster. The crosses serve as a memorial not just to Michael Jacobs Jr., but to all who have fallen victim to these lethal devices. To move the memorial to Jacobs’ neighborhood would be to capitulate to the whims of the Highland Hills Neighborhood Association. And nothing will change the complexion of the Taser controversy. These weapons kill people, and that fact needs to be brought to public attention, whether through commentary, crosses, or otherwise.

Seneca Maskell

Fort Worth

Proud of the Jacket

To the editor: I have always been proud to say that I attend Arlington Heights High School. After reading the article in Fort Worth Weekly by Betty Brink (“Powder Keg,” Aug. 11, 2010), I felt that a dark shadow was cast upon my school’s reputation. The school has been known for excellence in academics and University Interscholastic League competitions. As a result of those recent successes, the campus has been buzzing with school spirit. I hope it is not extinguished by the article.

The article shocked me. I have great respect for Ms. Brink for giving a voice to a side of the story that might have been silenced. But I felt that some things were exaggerated. As someone who experienced the effects of the bomb threat firsthand, lived through a “riot,” and survived people bringing guns on campus, I can say that not once did I feel my life was in danger. Not once did I feel any racial tension on campus or that I could not go to an administrator or teacher if I had a problem. Can I say what happened within the administration or deny that teachers felt scared for their jobs? No. I did not witness any of this.

There is more going on at Arlington Heights than the things that went wrong. My school hosted a Special Olympics and blood drives, conducted a drive to collect supplies for Haitian relief, and started a tutoring program to help students prepare for the TAKS test. The teachers and staff who helped get these things going are among those whose reputations have been tarnished by the actions of a few.

I understand that these things may seem marginal compared to the problems. But the problem I see is that we are so focused on the negative that we have a blurred vision of the school itself. I am not defending or condemning the school administration. But in the long run, it’s the students who pick themselves up, brush off the dirt, and keep going who will build our school’s reputation — the group I am proud to call my fellow Yellow Jackets.

Nathaniel Cook

Fort Worth



• Last week’s story, “The Barnett Keeps Bubbling,” mischaracterized Ed Ireland’s response to questions about test results showing high levels of formaldehyde at two gas-industry sites. Ireland did discuss the issue with a reporter.

• In the Aug. 11 cover story, “Powder Keg at Arlington Heights High,” Izzy Perry’s title was incorrect. In fact, she was the girls’ athletic coordinator. The story should have referred to the boys’ soccer team, not the boys’ volleyball team. And, due to an editing error, Fort Worth school district spokeswoman Barbara Griffith’s name was misspelled.

Fort Worth Weekly regrets the errors.