Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Follow the Leader

Fuzzy Math

Quiet Resistance

For the Hope of It All

Beyond the Dunderdome



Deepen Sorrow

On Friday, religious watchdog blog The Wartburg Watch posted a story that shocked the nation’s evangelical community. The epicenter? Tarrant County. As of this week,...

Title IX Fight

Gov. Greg Abbott recently ordered the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to ignore a Biden administration rule that expanded federal sex discrimination protections to include...

Rainbow Warriors

wHeRE’s y’All’S sTrAIgHt PRiDe isSuE? Tell me next time straight people are murdered, fired/unhired, or ostracized for being straight, and we’ll happily give you your...

Peace Police

The 50-ish souls who gathered last Saturday to protest a panel discussion predisposed toward hate (“,” June 5) made their point: that no one...

Here and YesterQueer

The prescient words of George Orwell have been much on my mind lately. The author of 1984 wrote, “Who controls the past controls the future....

State Sanctioned

You would think a panel discussion called “Protect Kids” would be about gun violence and how it’s the leading cause of death among Texas...

Extreme Weather

Natural disasters like winter storms and hurricanes can create life-threatening situations for Texans. These types of disasters can be devastating and can hit at...

The Ugly Texan

My wife’s dad is from Grenada, and we visited there last October. It was an incredible place, and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, but when...

The Cruelest Month

What a week it was. Last Wednesday at the University of Texas, city police and state troopers decked out in riot gear — at the...


In 2022, a 15-year-old Virginia Beach girl named Simone Nied began a modest campaign to remove the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC) from...