Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Extreme Weather

The Ugly Texan

The Cruelest Month


Basket Cases



Prison Bound

Ryan Peucker is nobody’s idea of an angel. He started smoking pot as a young teenager living in Joshua and Cleburne, dipped into cocaine...

Sand for the Cat Box

You'd think reporters would have been welcomed at LaGrave Field on Monday afternoon. After all, the Knot Hole Gang fan club was there to...

Hotseat for Hicks

The Fort Worth City Council meeting two weeks ago was an important one for Kathleen Hicks. Up for a vote were zoning changes on...

Paper Chase

The going’s been rough for journalists in the last few years. Daily newspapers that worried about losing readers to network tv discovered that tv...

Crikey, Mate!

It's been a tough year for Australian imports. Earlier this summer, witnesses claimed to have seen Olivia Newton John's longtime lover in Mexico, which...

Lost in the Ozone

It didn't come as a big surprise to physician and asthma specialist John Fling that the American Lung Association's 2006 State of the Air...

Collaring Dollars

Fort Worth taxpayers have been digging deep in their pockets for 11 years to pay for crime control above and beyond what’s financed by...

Bad Boys of Summer

It's September and the Texas Rangers are once again circling the drain, so it must be time for my annual column on why this...

Hooray for Us, Dammit

Did you see that report by Men's Health magazine that made friendly ol' Fort Worth look like some crazed city filled with kitty stranglers?...

An Unnatural Disaster

Katrina’s winds shredded through cities and towns like a giant scythe, but the Gulf Coast had seen major hurricane winds before. It wasn’t the...