To the editor: Regarding “Taj Mahal on the Trinity” (April 29, 2009): Great article by Betty Brink. The Tarrant County College board should all be impeached. Tar and feather de la Garza and run him out of town. Where is our county-level version of congressional hearings into this situation? This is the arrogance of educated idiots in charge of taxpayers’ money.

Stay after them.

Jerry Bodiford


Fort Worth


To the editor: Thank you for shining a bright light on the Boondoggle on the Bluff. This disgraceful situation, created by people supposedly in charge of educating our citizens, appears to be the result of supreme egos, ignorance, complete disregard for anyone else, and a total lack of common sense. The money spent cannot be reclaimed, but there has to be a way to prevent this kind of mindless spending in the future and to resolve this situation. The folks who made it happen are not those who can fix it. A clean sweep is called for.

Edythe Cohen

Fort Worth


No Embellishing Bonnie

To the editor: Jimmy Fowler’s April 22 book review on author Jeff Guinn’s chronicling of the Bonnie and Clyde story (“Bonnie and Clyde Anew”) brought back memories of an incident that happened in the early 1970s. During that time there was a renewed interest in this modern-day “Romeo and Juliet” couple, even though they’d passed away in 1934.

My husband Robert Raikes, news director at the old KRLD-TV (now KDFW), and I lived about a mile from Bonnie’s gravesite off Webbs Chapel Road, and we would frequently take out-of-town visitors there. One night a prankster stole her headstone. The crime made the news, and then someone called the station asking to speak to my husband. They wanted to return it. They did, and now her headstone is anchored into the ground, not upright as it was originally.

I’m going to buy Guinn’s Go Down Together because he researched the facts and doesn’t sugar-coat or manipulate them. Bonnie and Clyde were Dallas’ most notorious couple, in embellishment and otherwise, from their Robin Hood status to their trip to the undertaker’s office.

Delores Raikes


Sinking Star

To the editor: Dan McGraw’s “Falling Star” (April 15, 2009) gives us “the rest of the story,” as Paul Harvey would say. He has written the epitaph for a formerly great newspaper, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. They’ve been declining for some time. They shortened their logo to leave out “Fort Worth” – to save newsprint and ink? Then they copied The Dallas Morning News‘ format with the teaser column on the left side of the front page – then they changed again, shuffling sections around like a deck of cards. Do they ever play a hand?

The S-T now knows the same kind of financial pain that they caused to others with their vigorous opposition to anyone who dared to compete with them. Now they’re in the ocean without a paddle – anyone want to throw them a life vest?

Gary Rogers

Fort Worth


Up with PBS

To the editor: I enjoyed Dan McGraw’s column about PBS programming during pledge drives (“Senior Special, April 8, 2009). I’ll concede that mostly older and wiser folks watch it, but the programming really does offer many things for the younger generation. However, they are more into the fast lane of entertainment, so they skip opportunities to educate themselves.

The “doo-wop” and other musical programs are certainly aimed at a particular generation, bringing back memories to those of us who lived in that era. History Detectives, The Antique Roadshow, and This Old House are aimed at anyone who has an interest in genealogy.

PBS is a unique venue. I’m a subscriber and support its programming. Viva PBS!

Lynn Kee

Fort Worth

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