The producers of CMT’s reality series “World’s Strictest Parents” hope to film episodes of their “family values” show in the Fort Worth-Dallas area in the near future. The show places an unruly teen in the home of tough-love parents for one week and lets the cameras roll. Producers want to know if there are local families and teens that fit their casting criteria, which include:

1. A middle- or upper-middle class income level. (Poor people — gross!).

2. Both parents intact in the home. (Divorced and single parents, take your “alternative lifestyles” elsewhere).


3. Teens with “relatable problems,” including laziness, cigarette smoking, and disrespect for authority but NOT (their caps) drugs, violence, or gangs.

Mr. and Mrs. Cleaver, if The Beav shocked Miss Crabtree by whispering “Dangit!” when the frog fell out of his pocket during class, you might want to audition him for “World’s Strictest Parents.” The show’s regional casting director, Jim Choate, can be contacted at 540-850-5011.