A shortage of free parking in the Stockyards is prompting the Clubhouse Concert Series to move from Upstairs at the White Elephant Saloon to Mambo’s, 1010 Houston St.

Clubhouse organizer Joni Beard said she’s enjoyed hosting concerts in the Stockyards for the past three years, but there’s nothing wrong with a change of scenery once in a while.

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Joni Beard's mantra: Sit Down, Shut Up, Listen
Joni Beard's mantra: Sit Down, Shut Up, Listen (photo by Jeff Prince)

By my count, this marks the Clubhouse’s fourth move in nine years since it began in a small apartment clubhouse.

“We’ve been invited by the folks at Mambo’s to head a couple of miles south to the downtown area,” she said. “They have tons of free parking connected to the building.”

Mambo’s, located in the Park Central Hotel, is becoming a hot spot for live music, with bands and jams almost every night, and deejay John Rody’s live webcasts on Wednesday evenings. The P.A. system is crisp and the room’s acoustics are fine. Booze and food are available. The bar doesn’t allow smoking, but nicotine addicts can get their fixes on an outdoor patio.

The Clubhouse’s first show at the new location is June 6 featuring Walt Wilkins & The Mystiqueros.