As I first Tweeted a couple of days ago (or was it yesterday and it just feels like a long time ago?), KXT DJ and antique-pop singer-songwriter Paul Slavens will perform every Tuesday night at The Chat Room (motto: “It’s Chat-tastic!”) beginning March 29. If you’ve never seen Paul before, you absolutely must. Tall, skinny, and bald, he sits centerstage, plays electric piano and sings, and makes up gut-bustingly hilarious songs on the spot from made-up titles written down by customers on bevnaps and deposited on the lip of his keyboard. With tips. The heavier the tip, the higher in rotation a customer’s song grows. A past and future made-up classic: “Uncle Anthony Wants to be My Facebook Friend … And I’m Scared.” And who can forget “Tickle My Anus with Your Red Beard.” In between customer creations, Paul might bust out a vintage Rush cover (“Panacea,” anyone?) or something else equally nerdy/obscure/awesome. But his insane ability to rhyme, compose and perform music, and spin always witty, always colorful, and often filthy yarns on the fly is the main reason to see him. Paul used to have a Tuesday residency at Lola’s Saloon, but he wouldn’t show up until pretty late –– he has a family, 1.), and 2.) he lives in Denton. By the time he was getting started, most Lola’s folks were wrapping up their evenings and heading home. Hopefully, his Chat Room shows will start a little earlier.