The quilt has long figured into the work of Fort Worth painter and UTA prof Sedrick Huckaby, dating back to his teen years. Serving as a metaphor for his faith, his family, and his heritage, quilts sparkle in the backgrounds of most of his pieces.

BIG_TICKETNow they are the focal point.

In his new exhibit, When Old People Talk to Young People, opening at Valley House Gallery & Sculpture Garden on Saturday, Huckaby celebrates the quilt in his paintings, wood collages, and drawings, communicating “themes such as love and reconciliation to the graffiti generation,” says Valley House’s Laura Green, “a dialogue to bridge the gap between old people and young people.”

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An O.D. Wyatt High School grad  and Guggenheim fellow, Huckaby studied under the tutelage of acclaimed Fort Worth painter Ron Tomlinson before going on to earn his BFA from Boston University and MFA from Yale. After spending some time in Europe, Huckaby returned to Fort Worth and began teaching at UTA. His work can be found in the collections of the Museum of Fine Arts (Boston), the Art Institute of Chicago, and the Whitney Museum of Art, among many other places. When Old People Talk to Young People will hang at Valley House until Dec 3.


When Old People Talk to Young People opens Sat at 6pm at Valley House Gallery & Sculpture Garden, 6616 Spring Valley Rd, Dallas. 972-239-2441.