You may have thought Ted Nugent was just a gripey gun owner, mediocre guitarist, and failed cook book author. But he is, apparently, right at the top of the Obama administration’s enemies’ list. At last weekend’s National Rife Association rally in St. Louis, the Motor City Madman told an audience that if Obama is elected president in November, “I will be either dead or in jail by this time next year.”
He didn’t detail why the president considers him such a powerful threat among the many more influential, politically savvy NRA activists around the country. Just trust him on this –– when they start rounding up the brave gun owners, The Nuge will be right near the front of the first cattle car. Later on, Obama will order a shackled and defiant Ted to the Oval Office. The president will personally unload the guitarist’s hunting rifle in front of him, cackle effeminately, and then slap him across the face with a hastily removed silk glove. Nugent can practically taste the martyrdom.
Thank you.
Tongue-in-cheek satire is the appropriate response.
Which will be lost on Ted’s admirers.
Gotta love the nuge.
He’s like a lot of people from the entertainment world, over the top and entertaining.
The Bush years were great in that regard, dig that free political speech (while we still have it)
The Obama administration and Secret Service don’t need to waste brain cells worrying about Ted. That’s like taking it serious if Moe Howard threatened to poke your eyes out. It’s only slapstick.
Ted is better than a mediocre guitar player but no great shakes in that department either. Tell me again, why is anybody listening to Ted’s blather?
The same reason I’m reading your comment?
“Dead or in jail by this time next year.”
I fail to see the down side.
But, ah. The face of the modern Republican Party.
Would this be the Nuge that dodged the draft because he “didn’t want to get his ass shot off in Vietnam” but was all for young kids going over and getting their asses shot off in Iraq? (IIRC, he literally shit his pants, at the induction center, to get the deferment.)
He’s also had 8 children, by 4 different mothers, 3 of those kids born out of wedlock; and once convinced the parents of a 17 year old girl to make him her legal guardian since they couldn’t get married, and he stands proudly next to the like-minded bastions of family values.
Here’s hoping he is the headliner in Tampa.
A pathetic, angry, ex-rocker whose best days just never were…priceless tea party republican.
Hey, you can have Rosie O’Donnel as the face (titular leader) of the #occupy party, we’ll take the Nuge.
He actually has a sense of humor (no, Roy, he didn’t shit his pants), and he’s a spokesman for DARE and an ambassador for Big Brothers/Sisters.
Knows how to eat well and have fun. What’s not to like?