Austin's Black Angels are among the headliners at this year's Clearfork Music Festival, this Saturday at Panther Island Pavilion.
Austin's Black Angels are among the headliners at this year's Clearfork Music Festival, this Saturday at Panther Island Pavilion.

It’ll be hot. It’ll be sweaty. It’ll be loud. And it’ll be madness, but Clearfork Music Festival will be fun.

To be a homer first, there’s a wealth of underground Fort Worth bands on the bill that are worth the price of admission ($25-60) by themselves. There’s no other place you’re going to be able to see the likes of Burning Hotels (playing their only show of 2014), Son of Stan, Holy Moly, Jetta in the Ghost Tree, and Un Chien all on the same day (Saturday).

To be a general music lover second, headliners The Bright Light Social Hour and The Black Angels, both from Austin, are worth twice the price of admission.

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Another big selling point stands to be the Trinity River, coursing through the environs of Panther Island Pavilion (395 Purcey St., 817-698-0700) and brimming to the lip of the main stage. Sure, maybe there are some snapping turtles lurking about with a lust for human fingers and toes, and, OK, being near the water, in a kayak or inner tube, is not the same as being out from under the sun, but still: Have a bottle of water for every two or three beers, and you should be fiiiiine.

You’ll also want to bring a blanket and/or some collapsible chairs for optimal concertgoing enjoyment.

And some foldin’ money. Along with fare from food trucks such as Salsa Limón, Smokeys Barbeque, Gastro Bomber, Far Out Burger, and more, there will be beer. Lots of it, from Real Ale Brewing Company, Sierra Nevada, Odell Brewing Co., and The Lagunitas Brewing Company, among others.

The first notes will be struck at noon, by Phree Beer on the solar-powered stage and by The Royal Savages on the stage named after the show’s presenter, the music blog Keep Texas Live. Gates open at 11 a.m.


Blood of the Sun Returns

There was a time, circa the mid-oughts, when Blood of the Sun was poised to be the next big thing –– at least in my mind. Churning out a creamy, juicy style of psychedelic stoner-rock, harking back to Deep Purple during its halcyon days of the mid-’70s, whirring organ and all, the Fort Worth quintet led by drummer/vocalist Henry Vasquez did what any band inspired by massive tokes of ganja would do and flamed out quickly. But not without good reason. Vasquez was offered an awesome gig drumming in major-label Angelenos Saint Vitus and, of course, took the offer. But now that Saint Vitus is on hiatus, Vasquez, who never stopped calling Fort Worth home, has returned with his mates to make Blood of the Sun a thing again. The guys have just released some new music and have been playing lots of local shows. Their next gig is Saturday at Lola’s Saloon (2736 W. 6th St., 817-877-0666) with Black Summer Rain and One-Fingered Fist.

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