Wednesday, May 1, 2024



The Bell Won’t Save This

I never got into the whole Saved by the Bell thing even though I was of high-school age in the early 1990s. Jimmy Fallon,...

R.I.P., Jim Johnson

While all the offseason NFL coverage is dominated by Michael Vick coming back and Brett Favre not coming back (to the latter of which...

Edward R. Murrow Salutes In Grave

Investigative journalism is a calling card here at Fort Worth Weekly, where we strive to peer deep into the destabilizing cracks that can stagger...

Everyone Knows It’s Wendy

A combination of a “Mad TV” sketch character and an R. Crumb fantasy come to life, the towering, bewigged, and hilariously intimidating talk show...

Sarah Palin’s Attack on the Media: Pandering Nonsense or Sour Grapes?

You decide. My favorite quote from her speech yesterday, as she handed power over to Lt. Governor Sean Parnell: “Democracy depends on you, and that...

Whatever Will Grunt Will Grunt

An MSN article today mentions five life lessons that come up most among people aged 65 to 104: 1. The simple things matter most. 2. Humor...

Boozing With President Obama

President Barack Obama screwed up royally by saying those Cambridge cops “acted stupidly” when arresting black Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. The prez wasn't...

Dinner Roll: Restuarant Round-Up

In addition to great deals, the Dinner Roll is all about new places to eat. Tim Love’s new gourmet burger joint opens its doors...

Weekender/Hip-Tips, Fri., July 24

Odd pairing tomorrow night (Saturday) at the Longhorn (121 W Exchange Av, the Stockyards, 817-740-9477): Austin’s kinda silly, rockabilly-inflected Flametrick Subs and Fort Worth’s...

In a Fat Snit

If ever there was an example of America’s screwed-up relationship with food and physical appearance (a pathology shared by the skinny as well as...