Saturday, October 12, 2024

Good Time: Red Dye

Marshall Law

Love Bug

Running Dead

Film Reviews

Film Reviews

Disney’s World

His name "gets attention," said Andrew Disney, a Fort Worth native who's only distantly related to the famous Disneys. "People remember it. It's a...

I Feel Pretty: Witty and Bright

I'll admit I was skeptical about whether Amy Schumer's comedy would translate to the PG-13 context of her latest film I Feel Pretty, especially...

Low Heat

After several decades’ worth of movie directors’ sons taking up their fathers’ line of work, now we’re seeing directors’ daughters do the same, and...

Prey: Thunderbird

Hallelujah, praise the Lord! At long last, somebody did something creative with the Predator series! It took only 35 years after the release of the...

Play The Favourite

Historians are divided over whether Queen Anne of England was actually having sex with her ladies-in-waiting. The society gossip of the time — and...

The BFG: The Bigger They Are …

A few months ago, many observers were stunned when Mark Rylance won the Oscar for Best Supporting actor for his work on Bridge of...

Bohemian Rhapsody: The Show Must Go On

Great movies often have great performances, but I think it must be harder for an actor to give a great performance in the midst...

This My City

Satire has been an element of Spike Lee’s filmmaking since the beginning. Caricatures, heightened reality, and subversive jokes aimed at all manner of targets...

The Losers Is a Lost Cause

Based on an award-winning, Vertigo-published comic, The Losers is about a top-secret Special Forces unit’s quest for revenge on a shadowy figure named Max...

Seberg: Jean in a Bottle

At the tail end of last year, Seberg was given a pro forma release in New York to make it eligible for the Oscars....