Friday, July 26, 2024

Get Ur Freak On

Take a Shelfie

Fort Worth It



Escape to Reality

The works of Western artists have long oscillated between escapism and the minutiae of daily life. While the otherworldly paintings of Salvador Dali and...

Remembering Aimee Cardoso

The first locals to learn of the recent car crash that killed artist Aimee Cardoso and husband Lucas Cardoso were Aimee’s closest friends, Ariel...

Make the Revolution Irresistible

America’s white power structure has historically resorted to violence as a first and last means of quelling Black-led movements seeking social and economic equality. Take...

Revealing Layers

As a spotlight beams down from the rafters, the patrons of Arts 5th Avenue turn their attention to the small stage and quiet down...

Down to Earth

Archeologists, linguists, and historians have spent centuries piecing together fragmented clues left by the once-dominant indigenous culture of Mesoamerica. The beautiful chain of Mayan...

Lost in The Real Unreal

Inside Grapevine Mills is a house. Inside that house is a refrigerator. Inside that fridge is a room full of more fridges. And inside...

Building Upon a Rich Legacy

Visiting her grandparents in Graham, Texas, in the 1980s, Angela Turner Wilson said they would all take road trips to Fort Worth to shop...

Reconciling the Past

Though the TCU administration embraces diversity, the student population remains predominantly white — 65%, to be precise. School leaders have taken steps in recent years...

Summer Sights and Stages

In the Pleistocene Era (circa 2010), when flip phones were unironic, most museums and theaters essentially took summers off, reserving blockbusters for the fall...

Poolside Page-Turners

Since 1947, TCU Press has filled an important niche in the literary world by commissioning and publishing books that the large houses may not...