Saturday, May 4, 2024

Film Shorts

WW84: Christmas Wishes

Beats, Rhymes & Life: Rap Promoters

Film Shorts



Lost in the Stars

The title of Adam refers to Adam Raki (Hugh Dancy), who suffers from Asperger's Syndrome. If you don't know what Asperger's is, this well-intentioned...

R.I.P., Deanna Durbin

I'm interrupting my series of Django Unchained posts to bring you this piece of movie news: The passing of Deanna Durbin at the age...


When was the last time you saw a good lawyer show? The last one I saw was The Good Wife, which went off the...

Marvels: Tag Team

Let me draw your attention to one thing about The Marvels. It’s the running time, a crisp 100 minutes even including the mid-credit sequence...

DVD Review: “Les Misérables”

Calm down, Les Mizzies. I haven't somehow obtained an advance copy of the DVD of the movie musical that's currently playing in theaters. Instead,...

Film Shorts

OPENING  Always at the Carlyle (PG-13) Matthew Miele’s documentary about a well-established hotel in New York City. Starring George Clooney, Tommy Lee Jones, Jon Hamm,...

The Best Movie Dialogue of 2021

This year’s feature on the best movie dialogue is unusually heavy on monologues. I wish I knew what that meant. I do still enjoy...

Oscar’s Hidden Gold

The Oscars have taken well-deserved flak for nominating no women for Best Director and only one actor of color out of 20, but as...

The Karate Kid: Kung Fu Shuffle

All right, this is bugging me: Why is this movie entitled The Karate Kid? I understand why the filmmakers would want to keep the...

Chimes at Midnight

The story of Cinderella was first written down sometime in the 16th century by the Italian writer Giambattista Basile. Since then, the tale of...