Thursday, April 25, 2024


Isle of Blight

Re-Greening the Shrub

How to Vote

Tolerance, Dude

2nd Thought

2nd Thought

Snow in July

Let's say I have a crystal ball, and in early April I lay out to you what the Texas Rangers' baseball season will look...

Who’s in First?

What do you call thousands of people who enter Texas illegally, when the people who live here don't want them here? What do you...

A Prairie Solstice

A life in the anonymity of street shadows is preferred to the glaring public eye. Yet it's no problem, flourishing in our Sun's living...

True Wealth

The other day my son tried a new tack to get out of going to school. He said he didn’t like his school because...

Unhealthy Rhetoric

When the healthcare reform bill passed the U.S. House last week by a vote of 220 to 211, it wasn’t hard to find things...


So George W. Bush vetoed a bill that would outlaw the practice of waterboarding. Hold that thought for a moment. Two stories come immediately to...

Johnny Got His Pills

After U.S. Army Sgt. Douglas Hale, Jr. finished 15 months in Iraq for his second combat tour, it was obvious that things in his...

A Different Playing Field

Well, here we are in the greatest country in the world. The snow melted just in time for the massed mobs to watch the...

Global Swarming

Last week when I went online, Yahoo had listed, among the day's lead stories, one about a cookbook showing how to change your diet...

Surgin’ Generals Warning

The president, some members of Congress, and several influential commentators have called for the United States to send thousands of additional military troops to...