Saturday, May 18, 2024

God Taught

Extreme Weather

The Ugly Texan

The Cruelest Month




No Buck Left Behind

All kinds of government workers get refresher courses and mid-career training from time to time, via in-house classes or professional seminars. But a new...

Christmas at Carswell

Kathleen Rumpf is back, fasting, praying, and generally making herself a pain in the rump once again for the folks who run the Carswell...

Como’s Cookin’

Back in 1978, Louise King looked out the window of her Como home and noticed some city workers doing repairs on her street. It...

A Como Farewell

And so, after all these years, it's my last Christmas in Como. This 100-year-old neighborhood, built as a servant city on the virgin prairie back...

Guilt by Disassociation

Tarrant County Judge Tom Vandergriff's decision to move out of his landmark house at 1216 W. Park Row in Arlington after 38 years sparked...

Troubled Waters

When U.S Rep. Kay Granger pushed funding through Congress for the Trinity River Vision project — anointed as flood control, but really an economic...

Taking Lumps over Coal

Environmentalists protesting the pollution potential of industrial plants — electric generating stations, cement kilns, whatever — aren't that unusual these days. So when several...

Losing Our (American) Way

The other day I heard on the radio an industrial-edged remake (by a band called Dissturbed) of the 1986 Genesis pop hit, "Land of...

Ahead of the (Criminal) Curve

The modesty of Tarrant County residents is known far and wide, but gosh, sometimes you just have to toot your own horn - especially...

The Dems Dig Out

It may still be too early to sing “Happy Days Are Here Again,” but some Tarrant County Democrats are daring to hum it under...