The audience for Christian hardcore bands probably isn’t that large. There’s just something about singing to Him in the kind of gravelly, loud, guttural voice normally reserved for bloody murder. Gives a whole new meaning to the term, proclaim your voice on high, eh?

Which may be all the more reason to lend an ear to a band like In Fair Verona. Remove the lyrics to some of the songs on the Fort Worth septet’s brand new e.p., A Question to Ask Yourself, and you’re left with Linkin Park and Hatebreed’s lovechild. The beats are snappy and rocking, the guitar riffs huge, and the vocal melodies totally poppy, even when frontman Junior Rodriguez is shouting at the top of his lungs. The arrangements are excellent, and the band is tight. They know that what they’re doing is non-traditional, but they still do it. You gotta appreciate the amount of heart.

The band is celebrating the release of its new record at the only place around that’s hospitable to good, clean fun, The Door.


Fri w/ Broadway, The Flipside, Sky Eats Airplane, The Axe That Chopped the Cherry Tree, Sworn to Secrecy, Cries Hannah, and Cam at The Door, 2521 Rodeo Plaza, FW. $10. 817-624-OPEN.