Sunday, May 19, 2024

Yearly Archives: 2008

The War Against Women

"I'd rather see you dead, little girl/than to be with another man ... ." (Lennon/McCartney)  The new year is only a few days old,...

Newness En Route

Anglophilia here in the States usually - and annoyingly - takes the form of obsession with the royal family. Prince William washed his hair...

The Crash That Took Me

Why is everybody so nostalgic all the time? Are they worried that nothing in the present or future will be as good as what happened...

Wynton Marsalis

Good jazz is based on emotion. At its best, it colors outside the lines. Standards become starting points for interpretations that are often, as on...

Death Warmed Over

Remember last year's Oscars, when Jack Nicholson showed up at the ceremony with a shaven head and everybody said, "Ooh, it's Jack Nicholson with...

Lost Children

A look back on 2007's horror movies doesn't exactly reveal an embarrassment of riches. The "torture-porn" wave crashed and receded, a victim of its own...

Happy Days

Daniel Badillo and his wife Rose know how to run a restaurant. Until a few months ago, they ran the always-packed-at-lunchtime 7th Street Station...

Pouty Baby

With the dollar getting weaker and weaker abroad, Chow, Baby's research trips are getting shorter and closer to home. No carbonara in Rome or...

Eyes on TxDOT

It's looking like a tough year for toll roads in Texas, and no one could be happier about that than Terri Hall, the San...

Big Art, Little Art

It's too early in the year for the local museums to be launching major exhibits, but some of them are giving us new stuff...