Fort Worth Opera asked local celebrities to sing “Jingle Bells” in an off-key manner as part of a “Stop Bad Singing” campaign.

Teddy Wong Valentines (UPDATED)

This is hoped to encourage people to give money to the opera and, I suppose, to encourage good singing, although using “good singing” and “opera” in the same sentence is kind of like using “pleasant” and “root canal” together. (I must confess that opera is a taste I’ve yet to acquire; call me an uncultured hick).

Fort Worth Opera is playing fast and loose with the definition of “celebrity.”

Let’s see, I recognize local actor B.J. Cleveland and a couple of TV news heads. Oh, and there’s Rose Navejar of the Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Rose is a nice lady and all but not exactly my idea of an A-lister.

Please try again, Fort Worth Opera.

Do another video and this time pull out recognizable celebs. Here are my suggestions:

Celeb: Fort Worth Mayor Mike Moncrief
Song: “All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth…And Yours Too…And Absolute Power.”

Celeb: Pop singer and Fort Worth native Kelly Clarkson
Song: “Deck The Halls (And Deck The Next Person Who Calls Me Fat)”

Celeb: Stockyards raconteur Steve Murrin
Song: “Do You Hear What I Hear (The Happy Hour Bell)?

Celeb: Texas Music singer and Fort Worth resident Pat Green
Song: “It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year (Because I’m On Willie’s Bus)”

Celeb: Actor and Fort Worth native Larry Hagman
Song: “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus (And She’s Mary Martin, For Chrissakes)”

Celeb: Pop singer and Arlington resident B.J. Thomas
Song: “I’ll Be Home For Christmas…But Nobody Cares”


  1. maria: the blog wasn’t specifically about opera, it was about an ad campaign. i know plenty about those and that is what i blogged about.

    regardless, i reserve the right to share my opinion or otherwise comment on anything i feel like commenting on, thankyavermuch — including opera, which sounds like two cows mating while being tasered.