GEORGE JOINES AT BILLY BOB'S TEXAS (photo courtesy of Billy Bob's Texas)

The funeral for Texas native and country-and-western legend George Jones won’t be held in his home state. He grew up in the Beaumont area, which is BF Egypt even for Texans.

The ceremony will be in Nashville.

And it’s open to the public in case you want to play possum at work on Thursday and say adios to The Possum.


“George would have wanted his fans and friends everywhere to be able to come and pay their respects along with his family,” publicist Kirt Webster said in a press release.

The funeral is at 10 a.m. Thursday at The Grand Ole Opry House in Nashville, Tenn.

Jones died last week at 81 after an astounding singing career that lasted more than 50 years. He became an Opry member in 1956.