Randy Pearlman gets serious in Circle Theatre’s Funnyman.

Wednesday 19 – There’s still time left to see the CANstruction exhibit at North East Mall this week. The 18th annual show once again features sculptural pieces made out of cans of food put together by teams of local engineers. As always, the show draws attention to and benefits Tarrant Area Food Bank, so come bring some canned goods of your own. The show is up thru Sun at 1101 Melbourne Rd, Hurst. Admission is free. Call 866-205-2157.


Thursday 20 –Rob Zombie’s latest horror movie, 31, has received downright poisonous reviews, but then, most of those came before people started seeing killer clowns in their backyards, so what do the reviewers know? Local movie theaters are no doubt looking to make a buck off the madness when they broadcast an encore screening of this film about carnival workers trying to survive against murderous clowns ’til the end of the movie. The film starts at 7pm at various theaters. Check Calendar for showtimes. Tickets are $13-15. Call 818-761-6100.

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Friday 21 –And what if some mischievous deity sent everyone in the world a letter containing the name of the person who would bring them true love? And what if one such letter came for your boyfriend and not you? That’s the setup for Smart Pretty Funny, which makes its world premiere this week at Amphibian Stage Productions. Playwright Kathleen Anderson Culebro has a history with this troupe. The play runs Thu thru Nov 13 at 120 S Main St, FW. Tickets are $33. Call 817-923-3012.


Saturday 22 –When Bruce Graham’s Funnyman debuted in Chicago last year, critics and fans were startled by George Wendt’s turn as a comedian who takes a role in a heavy dramatic play. Now the show makes its regional premiere here at Circle Theatre, minus the Cheers actor but carrying some insights into the tortured souls who make us laugh. The show runs Thu thru Nov 19 at 230 W 4th St, FW. Tickets are $15-38. Call 817-877-3040.


Sunday 23 – If you’re the champ of your bar at cornhole, get a team together and enter this afternoon’s cornhole tournament at Wild Acre Brewing Co. The proceeds from the tournament go to Alliance for Children, so you’re working for a good cause while indulging in this backyard pastime. The tournament is 1-5pm at 1734 E El Paso Blvd, FW. Spectator admission is $5-25, team registration $80. Call 817-348-9119.


Monday 24 – With our own orchestra still out of commission, now’s a good time to head up to Denton and hear the UNT Symphony Orchestra as it plays Ravel’s Pavane for a Dead Princess and Schubert’s “Tragic” Symphony (not nearly as weighty as the Ravel), as well as a brightly colored flute-and-orchestra piece called Dream Sequence by the pops conductor Jeff Tyzik. The concert starts at 8pm at Winspear Hall, 2100 I-35 Frontage Rd, Denton. Tickets are $8-10. Call 940-369-7802.


Tuesday 25 – There’s a rare Tuesday performance at the Improv in Arlington tonight when the Hodgetwins (that’s right, Kevin and Keith Hodge go by that name) roll into town. The bodybuilders, entrepreneurs, and YouTube comedy video stars are now trying their identical hands at live stand-up. Their show is at 7:30pm at 309 Curtis Mathes Way, Arlington. Tickets are $25. Call 817-635-5555.