We’ve already had a musical version of The Odyssey. Five and a half years ago, the Coen brothers’ O Brother, Where Art Thou? adapted Homer’s epic poem into a vastly enjoyable film set in Depression-era Mississippi, aided by T Bone Burnett’s selection of roots music that deserved every bit of its commercial success.

Jubilee Theatre’s version, though, promises a different take on the story. Entitled The Odyssey: A Musical Adventure, this was one of the last projects planned by company founder Rudy Eastman before his death, and now it has been carried to fruition by house songwriter Joe Rogers and actress Sheran Goodspeed Keyton, who wrote the book for the musical. The idea of Ulysses, Penelope, Poseidon, and especially the Sirens singing is terrific. Judging from the photo that the troupe sent us (see above), we’re guessing that the Cyclops should be a pretty funny concept. The show closes out Jubilee’s 25th season. With a new artistic director coming in next year, this figures to be the end of an era.

The Odyssey: A Musical Adventure runs Jul 21-Aug 20 at 506 Main St, FW. Tickets are $12-25. Call 817-338-4411.
