I’d like to take a moment to thank our loyal readers, who never fail to populate our frequent shindigs, especially our annual Music Awards festivals. Last year, we had, like, 5,000 folks spend the day with us. The year before, the crowd was even bigger. This year? Who knows. It’s not even worth caring about anymore. My thought is that if you don’t think that 48 Tarrant County bands playing eight walkable venues for free –– that’s zero mother-hunching dollars! –– is totes amazeballs, then you can go back to listening to your dinosaur rock. Or to spending your hard-earned money in Dallas. Later, sucka.

Last week, I announced the first wave of big bands to play this year’s festival, 4-10 p.m. Sunday, June 28. Thrown in celebration of our 15th annual Music Awards, MAF’15 will be our 13th annual. Take that, 35 Denton! And Untapped. And HomeGrown. And Index. And Suburbia. And DMD. And whateverthefuckelse. Thirteen!

Anyway, in addition to The Unlikely Candidates, Son of Stan, Pinkish Black, Ronnie Heart, and Jetta in the Ghost Tree, the festival will be played by the Quaker City Night Hawks, Oil Boom, Gollay, Andy Pickett, Squanto, Ryan Tharp, Bitch Bricks, Feletha Black, Dead Vinyl, Jake Paleschic, Un Chien, Vincent Neil Emerson, Chucho, Shake the Moon, Nathan Brown, Jacob Furr, Toy Gun, The Me-Thinks, Chris Watson Band, Trai Bo, The Fluorescents, Shadows of Jets, Panic Volcanic, Caliche Burnout, Kevin Aldridge & The Appraisers, Chingalotus, Stone Machine Electric, Mills & Co., Henry the Archer, Big Cliff Watkins, The Cosmic Trigger, Igneous Grimm, and The Cush (acoustic).


There’s a little bit of a changeup in venues this year. Still onboard: Lola’s Saloon, Magnolia Motor Lounge, The Grotto, Fred’s Texas Café, the Trinity River Tap House (formerly The Pour House), and Poag Mahone’s. The newcomers are Reservoir and Studio 80. Let’s show them a good time, shall we?

Every venue will be manned by trusty –– and always good-looking but only occasionally well organized –– Weekly staffers, who will be selling copies of our annual charity compilation CD. Featuring new or previously unreleased tracks by select 2015 nominees, including Son of Stan, Duell, Ryan Tharp, Toy Gun, Dead Vinyl, Blank-Men, Tornup & Berto G., Chris Watson Band, Shake the Moon, Igneous Grimm, Trai Bo, and Chingalotus, Frequencies, Vol. 6 will cost $5 a pop, with proceeds benefiting Lena Pope, an 80-year-old Fort Worth nonprofit providing family counseling and childhood education.

Through the sale of our comp CDs over the past five years, we have raised nearly $8,000 for our assorted charity sponsors. That’s all without any help whatsoever from the “local” media. Thanks, for absolutely nothing. Thanks also to Fort Worth Business Press, 360 West, and Fort Worth, Texas. I’m glad you guys can put aside your professional inferiority complexes to help some local nonprofits. Totally classy. That’s the Fort Worth Way, y’all! Uh-hugh!

As for Dallas media? Hahaha! Yeah, right.

Again, thank you, loyal Weekly readers. We will do our best to continue delivering a quality product week after week.

And a quality product on Sunday, June 28.


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