Monday, May 20, 2024



Stop Sarah Stop

Sarah Palin continued digging her own grave this morning during an interview with Matt Lauer about her feud with David Letterman.

No, Nick, No!

North Texas neighbor, juvenile diabetes consciousness-raiser, and jailbait rocker Nick Jonas wore a suit yesterday when he spoke before a National Press Club luncheon...

Texas Rates High in a Very Low Catagory: Juvenile Prison Abuse

A report released last week by the U.S. Department of Justice shows that more than 12 percent of the youths who are in state...

Perry Weasels Out of Debate

Un-freakin’-believable. It looks like Gov. Goodhair has indeed weaseled his way out of a debate with Democratic rival Bill White because of Perry’s specious...

Want an NEA Grant? Only if You Voted Obama

In the 1930s, the U.S. government conscripted visual artists across the country to create what amounted to U.S. propaganda: murals of muscular farmers, posters...

Anti-Gay Group at City Hall Tonight

Curtis Smith, pastor of Arlington’s Trinity Metropolitan Community Church, is calling on the LGBT community and its supporters – especially the Christians among them...

Schieffer Symposium on the News

With so many news outlets in different media competing for your attention, it’s more important than ever to keep perspective on all the information...

Cut Football, Too

With all the buzz about laying off teachers, increasing class sizes, and cutting whole programs to balance the state budget, I’ve been wondering when...

FW Streetcars in Trouble?

Earlier this year, we wrote about why Dallas got a federal TIGER grant for its streetcar plan, but Fort Worth did not, even though...

We Can be Heroes

Most of us love a story about an unlikely hero (male or female) who steps up to confront a horrifying crisis, neutralizes the situation,...