Saturday, May 4, 2024
Dozens of abandoned cats still stay close to homes from which the people are gone.


Southlaking Fort Worth

Vera: “I live here by myself, and I’m handicapped, so I can’t get in there and make meals.” Jeff Prince

No Sequester on Hunger

Protecting Industry

TRV’s Up a Creek



Tree by Chainsaw

Anyone who’s ever had it happen to them knows the pain. You’re at work or out shopping, and you return home to find that...

Coming Full Circle

Four graduating high school seniors from the Fort Worth school district have been awarded a special $2,000 scholarship for a special reason. Nicole Padron, Elodia...

Off to the Races

The colors blue and red don’t surface much in local elections such as this Saturday’s to determine the makeup of the Fort Worth City...

Out of the Depot

When local real estate developers started testing the waters for a light-rail system in Fort Worth a few years ago, Mayor Mike Moncrief wasn't...

So It Goes

More than 130,000 Americans dead from a global pandemic. So it goes. A cretinous, incorrigible jagaloon slinging excrement from the Offal Office. So it goes. A nation once straining...

Asylum Seekers Detained

In response to 2014’s unprecedented number of women with their children caught crossing the border between Mexico and the United States —68,000 families —...

Stay Safe

Earlier today and citing declining COVID-19 cases in Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott announced a state order that will end the requirement that Texans wear...

Who Pays the Freight?

A new garage at Will Rogers comes at a price - in more ways than one. Say adios to free parking at the Will Rogers...

(TC)U Gotta Be Kidding

People living near TCU are receiving an education without paying tuition, learning how building permits can overpower good intentions and compromise is tougher than...

Passive-tively Infuriating

Pulling a gun while road raging is brainless. Anyone who resorts to gunplay on the road needs jail time, counseling, a new mantra, yoga...